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Reply to #gxolr6a
Well, I don't use Yarn/ anymore, although I read the homepage a few times a week to catchup on anything interesting.

Nowadays I barely twt from my PHP instance. I got to say that is more "convenient" reading from that on my instance.

My current feeling is that is too niche to find something interesting, being about personal growth, professional or even entertaining. There is not enough people and/or interesting topics to be engaged on. The network effect of people making content is missing IMO. Although I have a similar feeling of any other microblogging, it's too superficial to have a meaningful conversation.
Sadly in this ecosystem I've found no one twting on Spanish, and having conversations in English is not so easy to me.

And about local communities, I tried to invite friends and colleagues, but no one created their instance or joined to Yarn. Even the local Mastodon instance has 3 members (myself included), so I think creating a hipster microblogging is not as easy as looked at the start.

It's again a decision between the involved time and the 'reward' at the end. If we are not getting good emotions or something bigger that ourselves, feels like 'not worthy' to belong.
2 months ago
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Reply to #bq4giva you wrote:
> I don’t use Yarn/ anymore, although I read the homepage a few times a week to catchup on anything interesting.

Then you **do** use it, no? Right? :-D

> I barely twt from my PHP instance.

Because PHP sucks! See what I did? I am "encouraging" engagement! :-D

> ... it’s too superficial to have a meaningful conversation.

Microblogging is often the antithesis of meaningful. You talk about everything, and anything you want. Even to the void. You have done it!

Yarn is niche. With it's forks, and yarns, it comes across as a "weird" microblogging for some (weird was the word a friend from Philippines used to refer to Yarn). The UI/UX has issues (I am not an expert, but I would say copying "the others" and slightly adjusting to give Yarn it's own uniqueness should work), and that keeps people away. The cache blows, I want to be able to see everything, at all times. The built-in search blows, I want a more "ala Google" kind of search. There is more, but you get the gist.
2 months ago
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