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📣 **NEW:** Added a new feature for pod operators to optionally configure. Compact Front Page.

When enabled will display only one post per feed on the unauthenticated Discover view (_the front page_).
1 week ago
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Life gets busy after a while. Need a breather to relax
4 weeks ago
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50 Core CPU, 128GB RAM, 20TB SSD laptops when?
2 months ago
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New feature (_not a great UX, sorry 😞_) that displays the last fetched feed status, last error (_if any_) and error count in your "Following" list. Check it out and cleanup your feeds for "hunk" 👌
2 months ago
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Reply to #3kqbdxq
@news And we're back!
2 months ago
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👋 This Pod ( will go offline for ~15m shortly, while I perform an offline index of the archive.
2 months ago
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Reply to #ebbww3q
Apparently it's snowing in some places now
3 months ago
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Summer heat. And now I miss the winter
3 months ago
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Need to upgrade my RAM
5 months ago
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I saw a screenshot of someone's iPhone weather app. And the ad took half the screen.
6 months ago
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Reply to #bopzd7q
It's becoming rare these days to see sites without ads, and "creators" without a dozen payment platforms for people to give them money.
6 months ago
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I think the internet culture has shifted towards monetization of everything. People want to make money off of everything. Even the things that are not deemed valuable.

Gone are the days when knowledge was distributed for free, information was shared for free; pictures, videos, stories, music - all sorts of entertainment on the internet was free. Back then, everyone was equal.

Nowadays, there are creators, and there are subscribers. Everyone wants to be a creator. Why? Because creators make money.
Whatever happened to the hobbyists who made things out of passion, and not with a goal of making big bucks at the end?
They're there. Still there, thank God. A good example is the twtxt community. And dozens of other platforms and forums and sites where people host and create things out of passion. They're not getting paid to do it. They do it because they love what they do. And at the end of the day, if people want to show their appreciation for it, well and good. If not, doesn't make any difference to them.
6 months ago
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Here's my conclusion on crypto social networks: At the end of the day, if users want to pay, I think they'd choose a social app that has one click payment and single click log in.

That is, without all the hoops and loops of creating wallets, buying crypto, paying in crypto, and logging in with wallets. That's a lot of hassle for nothing.

Not to mention how ridiculously slow some of these crypto apps are. The webpage loading times are atrocious.

If you're a hobbyist like Jack Dorsey, or rich, and you have enough money to throw away at random apps, then crypto scams may seem like the right place for you.

The entire basis for crypto social apps is to enable users to monetize their content. But my question is, who the hell wants to pay me to read my crap? Anyone? Is there anyone who would want to pay me for just posting my random thoughts online?
Because that's what it is, isn't it? Random thoughts.
They could be the smartest and wisest words any man has ever read, but are they worth paying for?
6 months ago
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Reply to #4n4zmza
Only an ignorant id!ot or a scummy scammer would want to promote or join these platforms. I mean, what kind of person would go through the hassle of completing the entire process just to post on these platforms? And it is a long process. And half-baked as well. Account creation is a hit or miss.

There's always a catch on these crypto platforms. It's never simple and easy. And it's never free to use. There's always some missing premium features that would ultimately force the user to cash out. Or should I say, crypto out? Do they only accept payments in crypto? If they're scammy and want to remain untraceable, most probably yes.
6 months ago
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Reply to #4n4zmza
I'm wondering, how free speech, uncensorable and open are these platforms really? Can someone log in and say, "Hey! This crypto coin sucks! And the log in method for this site absolutely sucks!"
Can one say that?
I mean, isn't that one of the features blockchain has been touting for years in the past, as far as I can remember?

Farcord - clone of Discord.
Flink - Reddit clone.
Opencast - Twitter clone.
Tiles - VSCO clone.
Kiwi News - HN clone.
Launchcaster - ProductHunt clone...
and the list goes on...

Now to be fair, the Fediverse and other independent platforms as well have also copied and reproduced their own versions of the mainstream social platforms. But most of them are free, were created and intended and meant to be free and open and to counter surveillance and censorship from corporations and governments.

What's the goal of crypto nonsense platforms? To make money.
And they do this by lying and hiding crucial information from their victims.
6 months ago
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Reply to #4n4zmza
So who the hell's got time to go through a dozen steps just to make their first post on some niche social platform? Download an app, create an account, verify email, complete the onboarding process, make a payment, verify account, then visit a bunch of crypto social clones, log in using your wallet nonsense, create your profile, and then make your first post?
Not to mention the "unexpected error"s, "an unknown error has occurred" and "this app has stopped working"... geez! Has it? I must be blind! Is this a braille phone that I'm using?!

From the server's end, I'd expect the devs to take care of all the encryption and secure storage. Blockchain or not is irrelevant. The average user doesn't care if the data's stored in a blockchain or a text file.

They've copied every popular FOSS and proprietary apps out there and integrated their own crypto nonsense into them. Log in with your wallets, stand around in a circle and praise whatever cryptocoin they've invested in, buy more of their crypto stuff etc
6 months ago
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Reply to #4n4zmza
My question, really, is how is this crypto scam nonsense any different from just paying premium apps and services and using them? What is the point of this extra steps and hassle of creating crypto wallets and buying crypto coins, and then using them as payment?

What value does the crypto stuff add? Blockchain? Security? Immutability? Permanency? Transparency?
What transparency? It's a social app for Christ's sake! Everything is meant to be public! Public posts, public forums, public blogs... What extra transparency features does blockchain add?
"OMG Dude, you can verify who posted what and when on the blockchain... duh duh duh!"
Can you? Can you? And how exactly does that benefit me? Hmm?

Security? Please! The only security needed on the user's end is a password. And some people are too lazy to even create and remember those. They have password "managers".
6 months ago
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So last year I came across a bunch of NFT & crypto social networks and wanted to see how they've fared.

Disappointing. Massive disappointment.

They've copied all the cool FOSS and proprietary social apps and services and integrated their own crypto scams into them.

Creating an account seems to be "easier" now. But wait! They don't tell you about their "pay us to buy our crypto and then use our cryptoware apps and services" trick.
Visitors are directed to download their app to create an account. Once you do that, you go through username and password and all that and then you land on the payment page. Can't use any app before that. Can't do anything else, really...
6 months ago
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Came across this gem
6 months ago
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Feels like my days of browsing YouTube for content are numbered. It's only a matter of time before YouTube refuses to load for any browser with an ad blocker.
6 months ago
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I'm blue ba ba di da Blue eh ba ba di da da Blue ba ba di da Eh Blue ba ba di daaa! Are those the lyrics? haha
6 months ago
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6 months ago
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Every time I feel like upgrading my current machine, I remind myself that I'll be disappointed for not waiting for the next big tech upgrade. And so the wait is infinite. The chip upgrades every year feel like monumental leap, until the following year...
6 months ago
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2nd week of the year. Doesn't feel like I've done much
6 months ago
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Updates in progress...
6 months ago
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The days seem to get shorter and shorter.
Strangely, the nights feel the same. I need more sleep
7 months ago
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It's cold outside
7 months ago
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Reply to #udtznla
@prologic Things are opposite in the land down south. haha

Will there be winter where you live?
8 months ago
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Reply to #e74o3la
@bender That's Monica Bellucci. Google her
8 months ago
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It's getting cold at night
8 months ago
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8 months ago
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I love technology. But when there's something new and better every other week or month or year, how much money can I spend buying it all?

And if I can't buy it, why would I torture myself looking at the product news and reviews? Wishing I'd waited a few more weeks or months to buy the latest thing, only for it to be outdated as soon as it is launched?
8 months ago
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Haven't had a chance to look at Apple's new processors.
Truth is, tech is progressing too fast.
Can't keep up.
New products every month.

I got tired of it and switched my focus to other things.
8 months ago
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When you have a waiting list for 9 months but shut down on the 10th...

> Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down

Pebble will be shutting down on Nov 1
8 months ago
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> Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube
> It looks like you may be using an ad blocker.
> Ads allow YouTube to be used by billions worldwide.
> You can go ad-free with YouTube Premium, and creators can still get paid from your subscription.

I see
9 months ago
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Reply to #yh7x7lq
@bender Laptop would be used for bulk image processing, sending emails, preparing documents and video conferencing.

I can run Linux.

I need a phone with a physical SIM, preferably with decent camera for taking pics and videos.
9 months ago
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Reply to #yh7x7lq
@prologic Would I have to build the laptop myself?
9 months ago
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Traveling soon.
I'm going to need a new cheap laptop and a new cheap phone.

Any recommendations?
10 months ago
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Open Brave Browser

System load spikes to 22.5
Memory usage: 98%
System unresponsive

Nice update!
10 months ago
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Updated all systems.
YouTube stops loading video titles and thumbnails.

10 months ago
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11 months ago
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Reply to #4hookkq
@prologic Thank you!
11 months ago
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@prologic Hey! Could you whitelist pinterest for image embeds?

I have a feeling twimg won't last long since Elon's brand change
11 months ago
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11 months ago
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> Your login password has not been updated for a year, change it now to increase your account security.

It's that time of the year
11 months ago
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Reply to #r63zi7a I like different ideas.

When I think of crypto and blockchain, I think about the legendary Carlos Matos and Bitconnect.

The concept of blockchain is great; cryptocurrency - not so much
11 months ago
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Brave removes it's image search which worked similar to DuckDuckGo.
Brave adds Bing Image Search.
Nobody uses Brave's Bing Image Search.
Brave returns with it's own image search.
It's worse than before.

Nice going Brave
11 months ago
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Reply to #r63zi7a
@stigatle Very few people profit from crypto.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder what kind of ponzi scheme these crypto ambassadors are running.
I get the feeling that one day they'll come out and admit they got paid x amount to use these blockchain social networks and bring in more people.
11 months ago
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People are boring.
That's the truth.

The posts people make on social media are their creative best.

In the real world, most of us get ignored by strangers.
I don't always have random strangers walking up to me to strike a conversation.
And I highly doubt anyone would pull out their wallet and say, "Here's 10 bucks! Tell me how your day was!"

Yet that's exactly what blockchain social networks are trying to do.
The concept, by design, is flawed.
Is it the future? I highly doubt it
11 months ago
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I'm curious. How many people truly believe blockchain social networks are the future?

NFTs, tokens, monetization, revenue...

I'm sorry, but how are your random social media blabbers worth any money?
Unless you're Shakespeare or Einstein or some philosophical or scientific genius, I don't see why anyone would want to read your posts, let alone cash out some "crypto" from some "wallet".

And that applies to most people. Sure, your lifestyle and your thoughts may be interesting. But who's going to start paying to view what's going on in your life?

As if likes, upvotes, hearts, and subscriptions weren't narcissistic enough, let's make people think someone wants to pay them with crypto to view their random posts online.
11 months ago
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