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Reply to #yet64mq
@prologic I didn’t heard about that. I just searched around, and people donated $4M worth of crypto to Trump, it seems. That could be more, or less.

That, though, doesn’t makes us complicated. It’s the whole lot of *everything else* that does. 😬
4 hours ago
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Complicated nation is an understatement.
5 hours ago
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Reply to #sy2nsaq
@prologic foggy! I bet it’s hot now. 😊
6 hours ago
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Reply to #adwbalq
@thecanine "Now you can finally use the fucking webapp." LOL. So glad I don't have to deal with all that!
13 hours ago
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Reply to #qgdbh2a
@stigatle that's so cool! Wish family would let me buy a bike; they fear too much for my life to allow. LOL.

That bike is $8,000 here. Cheap, but not too cheap! The gear you are wearing (boots, gloves, pants and jackets, and helmets) aren't cheap here either! Fun hobby, nevertheless. :-) Enjoy, and ride with care!
13 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@lyse see I searched on Yarn for "saturday", then sorted by "newest". :-)
13 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@prologic that's how my face looked, for sure! 😅
20 hours ago
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Something that showed this morning, after clicking "Discover".

20 hours ago
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Reply to #wbibk2q
@prologic somebody is playing with a new toy.
1 day ago
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Reply to #juhuf5a
@prologic people went to sleep? I mean, at 03:00 I am on my second, or third sleep. 😜

Oh, AEST! No idea, but it might have been @xuu. LOL.
1 day ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
@xuu wow, such a remote place, eh? I imagine you living somewhere in the Himalayas, driving to town once every couple of months to resupply.

Don’t get me wrong, it is attractive, until my Internets are threaten. Then all bets are off. 😂
1 day ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@lyse lovely! I would have picked this one as a cover.

Bloody sunset
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
Xuu has shutdown his pod now, probably to avoid losing connectivity.
1 day ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
@xuu need a modem? I got a couple of 33.6K, and one 28.8K. :-P
1 day ago
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Reply to #ze3zlba
@prologic nope, I see no images. If you go to Stig pod, it has all images broken.
1 day ago
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Reply to #ug2ndqa
@lyse they all showed fine right after posting. I can’t see them now. Not even Stig avatar shows on the home pod.
2 days ago
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Reply to #uqxxstq
@abucci that’s so weird! I wonder what in the world is causing it. Hopefully @prologic has an insight.
2 days ago
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Reply to #fhbvv3a
@stigatle I am guilty of being silent myself. I have been more active on the Fediverse these days. Having a super easy to run ActivityPub server helps! :-)

welcome back!
2 days ago
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Reply to #6f3woga
@stigatle woah! You are gone for a while, but when you return, you truly bring some "goodies" with you! :-) Great clicks, mate, love them!
2 days ago
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Reply to #smnew7a
Related to this.

> "Some users experienced message delivery delays beginning last night that primarily impacted linked devices like Signal Desktop. We just deployed a fix. Affected users might see failed delivery notices while Signal automatically catches up. We apologize for the inconvenience!"

Source: Signal Fediverse account
2 days ago
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Reply to #sderf2q
@prologic well...

> “And for that, we send our heartfelt thanks and apologies for the inconvenience,” the email read, according to a screenshot shared by the source. The same email was also posted on X by someone else. “To express our gratitude, your next cup of coffee or late night snack is on us!”

Source: Techcrunch

With apology offers like these, who would remember? 🤣
2 days ago
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Reply to #f6727tq
@prologic that works fine when interacting with people you know--and they know you--well. On The Tubes it's easy to be misunderstood, or getting a tone other than the intended applied to your message. It easy devolves into a "plonkable" stage. 😅
3 days ago
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Reply to #lu7gjvq
@movq I do that constantly, on the Fediverse. I often type long replies, disagreeing, or agreeing with someone, read it over and over, just to realise there isn’t anything to gain by it, and scrape it.
4 days ago
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Reply to #vxvgjnq
Small extract:

> "Conceptually, Advanced Data Protection is simple: All CloudKit Service keys that were generated on device and later uploaded to the available-after-authentication iCloud Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) in Apple data centers are deleted from those HSMs and instead kept entirely within the account’s iCloud Keychain protection domain. They are handled like the existing end-to-end encrypted service keys, which means Apple can no longer read or access these keys."
5 days ago
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Reply to #vxvgjnq
@mckinley see Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, and how to enabled it.
5 days ago
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Reply to #o53yanq
@prologic I was going to say, it could be a setting. I prefer infinite scrolling, but I know there is a strong movement against it. 😅
5 days ago
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Reply to #sj2bhjq
Another URL that breaks the parser. 😱
6 days ago
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Reply to #sj2bhjq
@prologic Messages are e2e encrypted. SMS/MMS are not, but that’s not Apple’s fault. You can configure it, so it doesn’t fall back to SMS/MMS if that’s what you want.

Apple isn’t implementing RCS because of Google (which, arguably, doesn’t even support it). 😂
6 days ago
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Reply to #vepa7gq
@prologic less noise on the discover view, right?
6 days ago
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Reply to #o53yanq
@lyse not what you want. Instead of an infinite scrolling, it will render until a point, then give you a link to load the next batch. Rinse and repeat.
6 days ago
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Reply to #smnew7a
I tried Signal, and I didn't like it. I don't like the interface, I don't like one has to rely on a relatively small company infrastructure. It has bugs, and issues: sometimes messages will deliver, sometimes they will not.

Nothing has been more stable for me (as an Apple user, that is) than Messages. It comes with the OS, it is beautiful, and it just works.
6 days ago
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Reply to #vaozyya
@prologic do it! 😊
1 week ago
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Reply to #ojhrg4a
@movq I think the fact we can see posts from it in here ( is odd. It means someone (withing this Yarn pod?) follows it, no?

I asked @prologic and got no answer, but I wonder if there is admin-only tool built-in on Yarn, that allows the admin to search which user(s) follow a certain feed (for moderation purposes, or otherwise).
1 week ago
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Reply to #22exukq
@prologic indeed.
1 week ago
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Reply to #22exukq
I wonder who follows this one. Is there a way for a pod admin to know this, @prologic?
1 week ago
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Reply to #smnew7a
@movq I feel your pain like my own. No matter what I do, I am always outnumbered by the ignoramus in the family. It is like bashing one's head on a brick wall.
1 week ago
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Reply to #hc262ja
Breaking news: Mike Pence (former Trump's Vice-president) consoles former President Trump, noting: “I know what it’s like to have someone try to take your life.”
1 week ago
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Reply to #4nlm4ca
@lyse ah, 26°C! Not even overnight, nor early in the morning we get that cool! Full of envy mate. Full of envy.
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #4awm25q
@prologic pretty cool! What's the top, storage? The same vehicle is sold here as a Nissan Frontier. As I said before, Japanese trucks last almost forever.
2 weeks ago
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So, @prologic, show us that truck, don’t be shy! 😊
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #rivx5ea
@lyse 🤣🤣🤣
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #m5m7xpa
@prologic you are right, there is no much out there. What little did I find, I am sure you came across it too. I say, wing it like an American would: you don't need no knowledge, load it up; hook that trailer up, and put all you need in it. If it moves it, and it doesn't break, then you are within specs. 😂
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #isz3ija
@prologic ah, I understand now. If you share the make, model, and year of the vehicle I could try helping!
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #ltiywoa
@prologic what would you need them for? I mean, finding the same for a vehicle purchased *today* is hard, but I—myself—see no specific need for it.
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #eehqw6a
@xuu that’s a joke, right? 😂😂😂 A regular Doe will not know how to do that. Nobody type URLs these days—not that long, anyway. As a comparison, Hugo (a Golang tool) renders those links just fine.
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #b6ln3jq
I didn’t know about Claude. How sad—and I am digressing a little—the state of mobile apps is! Everybody wants you to pay ongoing for them, it’s utterly unbelievable. But anyway, totally off topic, I just happened to follow the link, and saw their app on the store.

Block them all! 😂
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #uzys4sa
@shreyan they did, too, had their “Independence Day”. 🥳
3 weeks ago
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Reply to #qbkwk7a
Got to fix that broken parsing on URLs with parenthesis in it. This one, inexplicably, works.
3 weeks ago
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Reply to #ncrpg7q
@prologic “as a political term, Tory was an insult (derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe, modern Irish tóraí, meaning "outlaw", "robber", from the Irish word tóir, meaning "pursuit" since outlaws were "pursued men")”

3 weeks ago
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Congratulations to the British for getting rid of the Tories tyranny, and electing the forward thinking Labour party! 🥳
3 weeks ago
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