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Reply to #yet64mq
@bender Haha 🤣
3 hours ago
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Reply to #yet64mq
@bender I heard one of the candidates promised to invest 4,000,000 bitcoin 🤣
4 hours ago
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Reply to #sy2nsaq
@bender it's very muggy in the Table Tennis hall right now I had to take my jacket off 🤣
4 hours ago
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Cool! Our park has disappeared again this morning! 😱 Also it was cold outside! 🥶
9 hours ago
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Reply to #bbnfuvq
@lyse I'll fix it tonight Sadly I have to rebuild the index 🤦‍♂️
9 hours ago
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Reply to #bgoecxa
@lyse This ☝️
9 hours ago
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Reply to #adwbalq
@thecanine Step 1: Uninstall it. Step 2: Success! :-D
10 hours ago
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Reply to #qgdbh2a
@stigatle Safe ride, don't get injured!
10 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@bender Ah, thank you! <3 So, 14:00 UTC+2 might work out.
10 hours ago
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Heck yeah! I saw my first slow worm this year. Very cool. :-) We also came across some art in the woods. Surprisingly, the blackberries in the forest were mellower than the ones on the south side bushes with sun exposure all day long.

15 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@prologic I will try. Which time was it again?

The search engine is broken:

> Error error parsing created field: parsing time "1689093798000000000" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "093798000000000" as "-"
15 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@movq Ah, I did not have a portable diskman. Just a stationary radio with an integrated CD player. Or my parent's stereo. But it's sooo long ago, I can't remember how long switching tracks took. Yeah, on second thought, maybe a second. Well, that actually improved then. Finally. Nice. :-) Loading the CD took several seconds, that's for sure. And some devices were certainly slower than others.
15 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@lyse Yeah, that has nothing to do with fun. 😅

I was thinking back to CD players. Switching tracks took a moment, although I don’t know anymore how long exactly. IIRC, playing CDs on a computer was a bit slower than in a dedicated player.

Don’t worry, switching to the next OGG file on my disk is basically instant. 😅
17 hours ago
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Reply to #juhuf5a
@prologic @bender Yep, @xuu's watcher would be my guess as well. :-D
18 hours ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@movq @bender Thanks, mates. I was on the fence with 13 and 15. :-)
18 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@movq There's a big difference between being usable somehow and having fun using it. My tolerable limits are lower, but yeah. Up to five seconds for the "next track"? What music player are you using? :-D This must happen in way under a second, and luckily, this works here. :-) (But I'm also not streaming my music, it's all on the local disk.)
18 hours ago
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Oh I forgot again 🤦‍♂️ Last Saturday of the month, so if anyone's up for a friendly catch up over video tomorrow? Same time, same place 👌
18 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@bender Weird dunno what to say🤣
18 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@bender Huh? 🤔
19 hours ago
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Between vehicles breaking, my recent fall, and tech issues, I'm ready to retreat offline for a while to gather my nerves again.
19 hours ago
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**Bizarre Secrets Found Investigating Corrupt Winamp Skins**
Longtime Slashdot reader sandbagger shares a blog post from Meta Engineer Jordan Eldredge, with the caption: A biography of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker, weird images, a worm.exe, random images, encrypted files, a gift a dad in Thailand had made for his two-and-a-half-year-old son, and much more could be found when investigating corrupt WinAmp files. Who knew? "In ... ⌘ Read more
20 hours ago
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**US Solar Production Soars By 25 Percent In Just One Year**
Yesterday, the Energy Information Agency (EIA) released electricity generation numbers for the first five months of 2024, revealing that solar power generation increased by 25% compared to the same period last year. Ars Technica's John Timmer reports: The EIA breaks down solar production according to the size of the plant. Large grid-scale facilities have th ... ⌘ Read more
23 hours ago
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**Chemist Explains the Chemistry Behind Decaf Coffee**
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Conversation, written by Michael W. Crowder, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Dean of the Graduate School at Miami University: For many people, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is the start of a great day. But caffeine can cause headaches and jitters in others. That's why many people reach for a decaffeinated c ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
Also FWIW this is all my fault for writing shitty vulnerable code 🤣 So blame me! I'm sorry 🙏
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
FWIW I'm still trying to find the the cause of the mult-GB avatars that both @stigatle and @abucci 's pods were both teying yo download. The flaw has since been fixed in the code but I'm still trying to investigate the source 🤞
1 day ago
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**AI Models Face Collapse If They Overdose On Their Own Output**
According to a new study published in Nature, researchers found that training AI models using AI-generated datasets can lead to "model collapse," where models produce increasingly nonsensical outputs over generations. "In one example, a model started with a text about European architecture in the Middle Ages and ended up -- in the ninth generation -- spo ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**California Supreme Court Upholds Gig Worker Law In a Win For Ride-Hail Companies**
In a major victory for ride-hail companies, California Supreme Court upheld a law classifying gig workers as independent contractors, maintaining their ineligibility for benefits such as sick leave and workers' compensation. This decision concludes a prolonged legal battle and supports the 2020 ballot measure Proposi ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**ServiceNow Embroiled In DOJ Probe of Government Contract Award**
snydeq shares a report from ServiceNow has reported potential compliance issues to the US Department of Justice "related to one of its government contracts" as well as the hiring of the then-CIO of the US Army to be its head of global public sector, the company said in regulatory filings on Wednesday. The DOJ is looking into the matter. Follow ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**Video Game Performers Will Go On Strike Over AI Concerns**
An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Associated Press: Hollywood's video game performers voted to go on strike Thursday, throwing part of the entertainment industry into another work stoppage after talks for a new contract with major game studios broke down over artificial intelligence protections. The strike -- the second for video game voice actors an ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #2qczosq
@bender Hehe 🤣
1 day ago
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**[WTB] [~2.65 XMR] Seeking an apartment in Valencia, or Murcia**
> Seeking an apartment rental in in the the provinces of Barcelona, Valencia, or Murcia. P.S. Hablo castellano.


denationalized (xmrbazaar) ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Hmmm something happened last night at ~3am (AEST) that decrased traffic to my pod quite considerably... Hmmm? Anyone have any ideas? 💡
1 day ago
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**Oracle's Java Pricing Brews Bitter Taste, Subscribers Spill Over To OpenJDK**
Lindsay Clark reports via The Register: Only 14 percent of Oracle Java subscribers plan to stay on Big Red's runtime environment, according to a study following the introduction of an employee-based subscription model. At the same time, 36 percent of the 663 Java users questioned said they had already moved to the employ ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**iFixit CEO Takes Shots At Anthropic For 'Hitting Our Servers a Million Times In 24 Hours'**
Yesterday, iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens asked AI company Anthropic why it was clogging up their server bandwidth without permission. "Do you really need to hit our servers a million times in 24 hours?" Wiens wrote on X. "You're not only taking our content without paying, you're tying up our DevOps resource ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**Secure Boot Is Completely Broken On 200+ Models From 5 Big Device Makers**
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica, written by Dan Goodin: On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro. The cause: a cryptographic key underpinning Secure Boot on those mode ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**Kaspersky Alleges US Snub Amid Ongoing Ban**
The U.S. Department of Commerce is ignoring Kaspersky's latest proposal to address cybersecurity concerns, despite the Russian firm's efforts to prove its products are free from Kremlin influence. Kaspersky's new framework includes localizing data processing in the U.S. and allowing third-party reviews. However, the Commerce Department hasn't responded to the security firm, which was recent ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**UN's Call To Action on Extreme Heat**
UN: The UN Secretary-General's Call to Action on Extreme Heat brings together the diverse expertise and perspectives of ten specialized UN entities (FAO, ILO, OCHA, UNDRR, UNEP, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, UNICEF, WHO, WMO) in a first-of-its-kind joint product, underscoring the multi-sectoral impacts of extreme heat.

Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. Billions of people around ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**Minnesota Becomes Second State To Pass Law For Flying Cars**
Minnesota has become the second state to pass what it's calling a "Jetsons law," establishing rules for cars that can take to the sky. New Hampshire was the first to enact a "Jetsons" law. From a report: The new road rules in Minnesota address "roadable aircraft," which is basically any aircraft that can take off and land at an airfield but is also designed t ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@lyse But stuff is still “mostly usable”, isn’t it? It’s not like it became impossible to write a letter because everything has gotten so slow.

That’s what I meant by “absolute” performance: A human being tolerates a system boot up time of 0.5-2 minutes, for example, so there’s an absolute/fixed duration that any task is allowed to take. Boot: 0.5-2 minutes. Opening Word: 1-10 seconds. Saving an image file: 1-10 seconds. Time until the next song starts to play when you click “next track”: 0-5 seconds. Stuff like that. As long as we don’t exceed those durations, people will be more or less happy.

Wasted potential? Ab-so-fucken-lutely.

(Maybe I’m repeating myself. I’m tired. Sorry. 😅)
1 day ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@lyse Uhh, nice. Haven’t seen a sunset like that in a while, I think. 🤔
1 day ago
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**5th Circuit Court Upends FCC Universal Service Fund, Ruling It an Illegal Tax**
A U.S. appeals court has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission's Universal Service Fund, which collects fees on phone bills to support telecom network expansion and affordability programs, is unconstitutional, potentially upending the $8 billion-a-year system.

The 5th Circuit Court's 9-7 decision, which creates ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**OpenAI To Launch 'SearchGPT' in Challenge To Google**
OpenAI is launching an online search tool in a direct challenge to Google, opening up a new front in the tech industry's race to commercialise advances in generative artificial intelligence. From a report: The experimental product, known as SearchGPT [non-paywalled], will initially only be available to a small group of users, with the San Francisco-based company opening a 1 ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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**North Korean Hackers Are Stealing Military Secrets, Say US and Allies**
North Korean hackers have conducted a global cyber espionage campaign to try to steal classified military secrets to support Pyongyang's banned nuclear weapons programme, the United States, Britain and South Korea said in a joint advisory on Thursday. From a report: The hackers, dubbed Anadriel or APT45 by cybersecurity researchers, have t ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@abucci Can you please check if you reported @xuu's IP address on mistake and let his ISP know that this was some false alarm? They're monitoring his traffic to your server and treating this as continued abuse. :-(

(His twts have been synced to your yarnd by yarnd's gossip protocol.)
1 day ago
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**Southwest Scraps Open Seating, Ending Decades-Long Practice**
Southwest Airlines announced Thursday that it will get rid of open seating in a sweeping change from its decades-long practice. Instead, it will begin assigning seats and offer premium seating with extra leg room. From a report: Southwest CEO Bob Jordan said, "Our implementation of assigned and premium seating is part of an ongoing and comprehensive upgrade ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@abucci Just making sure you're seeing @xuu's twt, in case he's still on your blacklist:

> Hey so.. i just got an email from my ISP saying they will terminate my service. Did i break something @abucci ?
> –
1 day ago
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**Google DeepMind's AI Systems Can Now Solve Complex Math Problems**
Google DeepMind has announced that its AI systems, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2, have achieved silver medal performance at the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), solving four out of six problems and scoring 28 out of 42 possible points in a significant breakthrough for AI in mathematical reasoning. This marks the first time an AI sy ... ⌘ Read more
1 day ago
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Reply to #rdeh4dq
@abucci No worries! All in the name of better reliability and security 😅
1 day ago
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Reply to #4ljpfuq
@stigatle Thanks! Sooo cold 🥶
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@stigatle no problems 👌 one problem solved at least 🤣
1 day ago
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