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Reply to #yet64mq
@bender Haha 🤣
29 minutes ago
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Reply to #yet64mq
@prologic I didn’t heard about that. I just searched around, and people donated $4M worth of crypto to Trump, it seems. That could be more, or less.

That, though, doesn’t makes us complicated. It’s the whole lot of *everything else* that does. 😬
43 minutes ago
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Reply to #yet64mq
@bender I heard one of the candidates promised to invest 4,000,000 bitcoin 🤣
55 minutes ago
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Complicated nation is an understatement.
1 hour ago
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Reply to #sy2nsaq
@bender it's very muggy in the Table Tennis hall right now I had to take my jacket off 🤣
1 hour ago
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Reply to #sy2nsaq
@prologic foggy! I bet it’s hot now. 😊
2 hours ago
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Cool! Our park has disappeared again this morning! 😱 Also it was cold outside! 🥶
6 hours ago
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Reply to #bbnfuvq
@lyse I'll fix it tonight Sadly I have to rebuild the index 🤦‍♂️
6 hours ago
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Reply to #bgoecxa
@lyse This ☝️
6 hours ago
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Reply to #adwbalq
@thecanine Step 1: Uninstall it. Step 2: Success! :-D
7 hours ago
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Reply to #qgdbh2a
@stigatle Safe ride, don't get injured!
7 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@bender Ah, thank you! <3 So, 14:00 UTC+2 might work out.
7 hours ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
its not remote... though its on a mountain side where the land grants allowed monopolies to occur. Pretty wild that it happened but only specific vendors have utility right of ways. Its been in litigation with the city for years.
8 hours ago
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Reply to #adwbalq
@thecanine "Now you can finally use the fucking webapp." LOL. So glad I don't have to deal with all that!
8 hours ago
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Reply to #qgdbh2a
@stigatle that's so cool! Wish family would let me buy a bike; they fear too much for my life to allow. LOL.

That bike is $8,000 here. Cheap, but not too cheap! The gear you are wearing (boots, gloves, pants and jackets, and helmets) aren't cheap here either! Fun hobby, nevertheless. :-) Enjoy, and ride with care!
8 hours ago
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The Facebook Messenger Android app user experience:
1) App fails to update, so you have to reinstall it.
2) You login and have to accept all the bullish terms of service again.
3) The loading wheel gets stuck so you have to restart the app and do it all a second time.
4) It tries to download your language and fails, so you have to click "download again" and wait for the app to slowly crunch everything together.
5) Now you can finally use the fucking webapp.
9 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@lyse see I searched on Yarn for "saturday", then sorted by "newest". :-)
9 hours ago
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Heck yeah! I saw my first slow worm this year. Very cool. :-) We also came across some art in the woods. Surprisingly, the blackberries in the forest were mellower than the ones on the south side bushes with sun exposure all day long.

12 hours ago
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Reply to #vyd7h3a
@prologic I will try. Which time was it again?

The search engine is broken:

> Error error parsing created field: parsing time "1689093798000000000" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "093798000000000" as "-"
12 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@movq Ah, I did not have a portable diskman. Just a stationary radio with an integrated CD player. Or my parent's stereo. But it's sooo long ago, I can't remember how long switching tracks took. Yeah, on second thought, maybe a second. Well, that actually improved then. Finally. Nice. :-) Loading the CD took several seconds, that's for sure. And some devices were certainly slower than others.
12 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@lyse Yeah, that has nothing to do with fun. 😅

I was thinking back to CD players. Switching tracks took a moment, although I don’t know anymore how long exactly. IIRC, playing CDs on a computer was a bit slower than in a dedicated player.

Don’t worry, switching to the next OGG file on my disk is basically instant. 😅
14 hours ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@prologic I don't think it's your code. As you said in one of your commit comments, the internet is a hostile place! That's partly why I reacted the way I did: all things considered it's usually better to react quickly and clean up the mess later, then it is to wait and risk further damage. Anyway it sucks @xuu got caught up in it. Hopefully it's all good now.
14 hours ago
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Reply to #juhuf5a
@prologic @bender Yep, @xuu's watcher would be my guess as well. :-D
14 hours ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@movq @bender Thanks, mates. I was on the fence with 13 and 15. :-)
15 hours ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@movq There's a big difference between being usable somehow and having fun using it. My tolerable limits are lower, but yeah. Up to five seconds for the "next track"? What music player are you using? :-D This must happen in way under a second, and luckily, this works here. :-) (But I'm also not streaming my music, it's all on the local disk.)
15 hours ago
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Oh I forgot again 🤦‍♂️ Last Saturday of the month, so if anyone's up for a friendly catch up over video tomorrow? Same time, same place 👌
15 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@bender Weird dunno what to say🤣
15 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@prologic that's how my face looked, for sure! 😅
16 hours ago
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Reply to #kwepmhq
@bender Huh? 🤔
16 hours ago
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Something that showed this morning, after clicking "Discover".

16 hours ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
Also FWIW this is all my fault for writing shitty vulnerable code 🤣 So blame me! I'm sorry 🙏
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
FWIW I'm still trying to find the the cause of the mult-GB avatars that both @stigatle and @abucci 's pods were both teying yo download. The flaw has since been fixed in the code but I'm still trying to investigate the source 🤞
1 day ago
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Reply to #112850340150272117
Espero que não estejam fartos dos meus toots sobre o #ZigurFest porque o festival são quatro dias este foi só o segundo. Tiago Sousa com o Coro da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lamego Garoa Cíntia com Rezmorah O Museu de Lamego à noite, com uma faixa na varanda a dizer ZigurFest
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@xuu I hope everything is sorted out with your ISP. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I sincerely did not mean to cause you any trouble.
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@stigatle @xuu @lyse "Not cool"? I was receiving many broken (HTTP 400 error) requests per second from an IP address I didn't recognize, right after having my VPS crash because the hard drive filled up with bogus data. None of this had happened on this VPS before, so it was a new problem that I didn't understand and I took immediate action to get it under control. Of course I reported the IP address to its abuse email. That's a 100% normal, natural, and "cool" thing to do in such a situation. At the time I had no idea it was @xuu .

The moment I realized it was @xuu and definitely a false alarm, I emailed the ISP and told them this was a false positive and to not ban or block the IP in question because it was not abusive traffic. They haven't yet responded but I do hope they've stopped taking action, and if there's anything else I can do to certify to them that this is not abuse then I will do that.

I run numerous services on that VPS that I rely on, and I spent most of my day today cleaning up the mess all this has caused. I get that this caused @xuu a lot of stress and I'm sincerely sorry about that and am doing what I can to rectify the situation. But calling me "not cool" isn't necessary. This was an unfortunate situation that we're trying to make right and there's no need for criticizing anyone.
1 day ago
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Reply to #2qczosq
@bender Hehe 🤣
1 day ago
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Reply to #wbibk2q
@prologic somebody is playing with a new toy.
1 day ago
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Reply to #juhuf5a
@prologic people went to sleep? I mean, at 03:00 I am on my second, or third sleep. 😜

Oh, AEST! No idea, but it might have been @xuu. LOL.
1 day ago
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Hmmm something happened last night at ~3am (AEST) that decrased traffic to my pod quite considerably... Hmmm? Anyone have any ideas? 💡
1 day ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
@xuu wow, such a remote place, eh? I imagine you living somewhere in the Himalayas, driving to town once every couple of months to resupply.

Don’t get me wrong, it is attractive, until my Internets are threaten. Then all bets are off. 😂
1 day ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@lyse lovely! I would have picked this one as a cover.

Bloody sunset
1 day ago
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On my blog: Real Life in Star Trek, Hero Worship #scifi #startrek #closereading
1 day ago
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Reply to #g6v4kxq
@lyse But stuff is still “mostly usable”, isn’t it? It’s not like it became impossible to write a letter because everything has gotten so slow.

That’s what I meant by “absolute” performance: A human being tolerates a system boot up time of 0.5-2 minutes, for example, so there’s an absolute/fixed duration that any task is allowed to take. Boot: 0.5-2 minutes. Opening Word: 1-10 seconds. Saving an image file: 1-10 seconds. Time until the next song starts to play when you click “next track”: 0-5 seconds. Stuff like that. As long as we don’t exceed those durations, people will be more or less happy.

Wasted potential? Ab-so-fucken-lutely.

(Maybe I’m repeating myself. I’m tired. Sorry. 😅)
1 day ago
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Reply to #c7kyxoa
@lyse Uhh, nice. Haven’t seen a sunset like that in a while, I think. 🤔
1 day ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
@bender haha funny! though i just realized my ISP is the only one with fiber pulled to the property so i would have to get a phone line from them some how. The other ISP in the area is basically a mobile hotspot.
1 day ago
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Reply to #112848648850289695
"Eu acredito no Open Source" dizem-me ao segundo minuto de um workshop de voz, e soube logo que estava no sítio certo.

Começámos desconhecidos, terminámos amigos, foi assim a tarde do #ZigurFest dia 2. O poster do workshop "Contraciclo vocal: da obra à boca"
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
Xuu has shutdown his pod now, probably to avoid losing connectivity.
1 day ago
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Reply to #74h6s4a
@xuu need a modem? I got a couple of 33.6K, and one 28.8K. :-P
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
@abucci Can you please check if you reported @xuu's IP address on mistake and let his ISP know that this was some false alarm? They're monitoring his traffic to your server and treating this as continued abuse. :-(

(His twts have been synced to your yarnd by yarnd's gossip protocol.)
1 day ago
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Reply to #2rxkcca
> We received the abuse report below regarding network abuse from the IP address indicated.
> On researching I see that HTTPS (tcp 443) traffic is continuing and originating from you NAT IP address 100.64.x.x
> This was further found to be originating from your firewall/router at 192.168.x.x (MAC D8:58:D7:x:x:x).
> This abuse is continuing and constitues a violation of [ISP] Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service.
> Please take action to identify the source of the abuse and prevent it from continuing.
> Failure to stop the abuse may result in suspension or cancellation of service.
> Thank you,
1 day ago
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