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Reply to #fytbg6a
What about using the blockquote format with `>` ?

> Snippet from someone else's post
> by:

Would it not also make sense to have the repost be a reply to the original post using the `(#twthash)`, and maybe using a tag like #repost so it eaier to filter them out?
5 months ago
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Reply to #tjevvyq
Well, I'll describe basic microblogging actions as:
Reply - Extend a conversation, create a new twt in reply to another
Boost, Retweet, Repost - Silently show a twt to your followers (maybe to share some interesting URL to follow based on that twt)
Quote - Start a new conversation based on a previous twt (debatable, for instance Masto doesn't have this one, has to be done manually)

To go back a few steps I was checking this doc:

Reply is already covered there. Allows to tag someone with @nick1 which I think is good enough to start following that URL to see the whole conv.
For quoting, I like your idea of using '>'
It could be something like
(#hash) @nick > "Quoted text"\nThen a comment

Finally for boosting, there's no syntax to do that.

Since I was using
to define a twt in a language different than the default one, I was thinking on something similar.

(#hash) @nick [boost]

Meaning, "hey! see that twt with hash # from that URL"
5 months ago
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Reply to #tjevvyq this is interesting. Is the square bracket something used in the wild for multilingual twts?

@prologic what are your thoughts? Should we extend the parser to handle [lang=] and [boost] ? Or a generic attribute spec. Single word is a boolean attribute. And one with an `=` is a string key/value.
4 months ago
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Reply to #tjevvyq
I'm also more in favor of #reposts being human readable and writable. A client might implement a bottom that posts something simple like: `#repost Look at this cool stuff, because bla bla alt`

This will then make it possible to also "repost" stuff from other platforms/protocols.

The reader part of a client, can then render a preview of the link, which we talked about would be a nice (optional) feature to have in yarnd.
4 months ago
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Reply to #tjevvyq
@sorenpeter this makes sense as a quote twt that references a direct URL. If we go back to how it developed on twitter originally it was `RT @nick: original text` because it contained the original text the twitter algorithm would boost that text into trending.

i like the format `(#hash) @nick > "Quoted text"\nThen a comment`
as it preserves the human read able. and has the hash for linking to the yarn. The comment part could be optional for just boosting the twt.

The only issue i think i would have would be that that yarn could then become a mess of repeated quotes. Unless the client knows to interpret them as multiple users have reposted/boosted the thread.

The format is also how iphone does reactions to SMS messages with `+number liked: original SMS`
4 months ago
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