

[...] my server logs it shows that your site pulled in the useragent as https://eapl.me/twtxt/?url=https%3A//neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt with bytesypider from bytedance?

Didn't know of bytesypider and bytedance, I assume those are bots, although I no idea why they are pointing to that address to your site

twtxt-php isn't sending User-Agent headers as it's in the original spec:
Or the discussion there:

I think it could be easy to implement 🤔

Since relying on HTTP logs could be inconvenient on some servers, there were ideas of using WebMention or some HTTP endpoint to inform who's following your URL (like on Gemini Antenna).

From what I've read, timeline and yarn has experimental support for Webmention. Could @prologic or @darch share some insights on that?
In reply to: #djhawzq 4 months ago
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