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Quite proud of what we built :)
I really like the result.

1 month ago
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Reply to #mxfxczq
@bender haha yeah. he's never been free to roam the house when we are away, he's either with us - or in his big crate in our bedroom (he's not in there for long, just when he cannot be with us in the car etc). So it's going to be damn nice to have a safe place for him outside. We fenced our garden in last year, he's been there a lot when we are home, he loves it a lot (especially during winter). But we cannot have him there when we're not home. But with the new dog yard thing - he can stay there without me worrying.
1 month ago
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Reply to #ja3dqbq
@movq the last part is more like ‘in wild hell’.
The first part is like when you say fuck, or fucking hell or ‘shit’ if you know what I mean. :)
3 months ago
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Reply to #ja3dqbq
haha yeah, we do :) That's legit.
3 months ago
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Reply to #ovkzvfa
@mckinley 500 GH\s
3 months ago
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Reply to #ovkzvfa
@bender Yeah, I do not plan on retiring because of this device lol. But I let it solo mine until it breaks, no need for pennies if you can get the jackpot :p haha.
Gonna buy more of them later on as well.
It's just a hobby for me, something to do, and I always enjoy getting various hardware related things. Especially open source stuff.
3 months ago
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Reply to #ovkzvfa
@mckinley yeah, solo mining for sure.
Going to buy more of them later on as well.
3 months ago
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Got my #bitaxe #bitcoin asic #miner today, very cool miner. Super easy to set up.

3 months ago
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Reply to #cd4rmha
@reddit_world_news and here in Norway they want to punish people more and more.
But the cost of alcohol on society is fine it seems.
4 months ago
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8km walk - and now he’s satisfied.
Time to relax, and start a nice weekend after a hectic week, hope you all get to have a great one!

4 months ago
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Reply to #6mx6ppa
@lyse not frozen, we have abou 5-6 degrees now. So snow is mostly gone etc :) today felt like spring, but tonight and throughout the weekend we will have rain..
4 months ago
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4 months ago
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Reply to #hxunoqa
@prologic Nice! That sounds great :) Kids have vacation next week - but I do not, so we'll do stuff after work at least, bowling and other things. :)
4 months ago
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Getting stuff done today.. Bought more fencing, so that the dog can stay outside on the terrace without jumping over to our neighbor, so I'll get that up soon. He has usually been in the garden, but that has been dug into a mudhole by the dog, so when it's rainy\wet etc he can now stay on the terrace. Other then that I'll probably do some coding on my multiplayer game today, since our kids are busy with friends etc.
4 months ago
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Reply to #g7eelyq
@mckinley full of crypto spam. Slow. Bad UI’s.
4 months ago
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4 months ago
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Hey! How are you all doing? Been very busy days the last weeks, but now it's weekend, and the things we needed to do today are done, so now I can sit down for the rest of the day and just chill.
5 months ago
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Reply to #73p5qza
@prologic Iridium is a really nice browser. +1 for that :)
5 months ago
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Getting warmer tomorrow and the next week or so, hope most of the snow melts so that I can head out and walk in the forest again - I miss that.
5 months ago
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wow, we got about 30\40cm of snow last night, and when I woke up we could not even look out the window because of the snow storm, thought the kids would not get to school, but right before they left for the bus it cleared up. Got rid of the snow outside after work today, so now it's clear skies and nice out :)
5 months ago
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Reply to #sqcj56q
@lyse got it done today before it got dark (and more snow on the way). Felt good to have it fixed. Now I can finally relax when he’s out there by himself.
5 months ago
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Reply to #sqcj56q
@lyse , we’re just adding more fence on top, the top of fence is over the snow, and the poles are higher, so I can work with it regardless of snow :) i just ziptie the extra fence, so easy to work with
5 months ago
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Bought some more fencing for the garden, need to make it a bit higher some places, so that our husky can spend more time there, a couple of places has been a bit flimsy, time to fix it :) If he really wanted - he could easily get over, but he just likes to stay in the garden, and does never mess with the fence (wire mesh fence, wooden poles in the ground). Also have a long chain as well (that's as long as the garden) but he does not want to have that one one (and it's under 1.5m of snow now). If he ever jumps over or digs himself out I'll get one of long wires that goes overhead that I can attach one of those pulleys \ leash too, that'll be better then a long chain.
5 months ago
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Reply to #oksalga
@prologic That works pretty well, this is what I needed. :) I like it so far, feels good to run it locally instead of on some online service.. pulled a couple of models (including the one for code). I'll check that one out next time I'm looking for a solution for something I'm stuck on.
5 months ago
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Reply to #oksalga
@prologic I will :) thanks for posting! The executable for the one I posted did not want to run.. so I'll try the one you sent! :)
5 months ago
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When it comes to AI stuff - I like to run it myself, not use a service. I found this today -
I'll give that a good try when I need it, instead of chatgpt and such services.
5 months ago
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Reply to #p6gk6qa
@movq Very cool! what language is used for the coding?
5 months ago
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Moved more snow today than ever before. Terrace is now ready for use. -10c out, tomorrow we’ll sit there with the portable fire pit, make some food on it :) this week has been crazy, but now it’s weekend and time to relax a bit.
5 months ago
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Reply to #z6tbvxq
@lyse not normal, last time there was this much was 10 years ago. Highway got shut down back then, with people stuck, remember a colleague of mine who got stuck on his way home after work and was still stuck the next morning on highway.
The amount of snow we got this time was a bit shocking, schools has been closed for 3 days (but open tomorrow), all public transport got shut down yesterday (but running again now).
5 months ago
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Helped pur neighbour today, climbed over to them from second floor, and dug down to the veranda door from roof height, so now they can look out their windows again :) over the weekend I have to get rid of all the snow on our terrace, almost 2 meters there now. But it has stopped snowing now, so its nice to get a break after this.
5 months ago
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Reply to #5xky32a
@jason go for it!
6 months ago
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Reply to #rg3g6nq
@lyse we found out she was actually home, so I helped her get the car out of the way. So all is good now :)
6 months ago
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One car was parked half way into garage yesterday, and owner went away, and now snow cannot be cleared because they cannot get past the car (dead end street). So the owner fucked up for everyone here. No one can get anywhere. Pisses me off.
6 months ago
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Reply to #xzxbvtq
@lyse wind is pretty bad about -15c in wind chill, I should have snowgoggles, but the cap helps (can just tilt head down in the worst wind). Been a crazy day, walked the dog 5km, came home, took over a meter of snow off veranda, helped 2 cars that was stuck on our street, helped neighbour showeling the snow to get his car in, then dug out our car (just in case we need it), and then had to walk to the store (2km) and back because you cant get car out from our street tonight. So for the rest of the evening Im not doing nothing. Haha
They closed svhools tomorrow as well because of the chaos.
6 months ago
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6 months ago
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Reply to #u725dzq
@lyse too dark now, but Ill see what I can do tomorrow :)
6 months ago
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Oh wow, we got almost a meter of snow over night, took over 2 hours to get the car space cleared.
Now I have to take the snow off the veranda, and clear some in the garden (Nanook is acting up today, he loves the snow, so will clear some out around the fence, so that he can be out all day if he wants).. I do not want to do a long walk in this weather..)
6 months ago
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Happy new year to all of you, will be exciting to see what this year will bring!
6 months ago
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Reply to #z67c5ca
@lyse yeah, with proper clothing its pretty nice. After I came home it turned into snow, and it snows really hard, so tomorrow I have the fun task of clearing as much as I can :)
Its about 2 at night now, just walked the dog after fireworks has calmed down. He was super excited to see all the snow.. but now its time for some sleep :)
6 months ago
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Reply to #z67c5ca
@lyse had 2 long walks with Nanook in the rain today, foreworks has started, but he does not care at all ( which is really nice). Getting colder tonight, so itll snow a bit the next days.
6 months ago
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Reply to #z67c5ca
That snow sadly turned into rain instead :(
6 months ago
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Wow, we can get up to a meter of snow in a very short time here, proper snowstorm! Exciting! Also next week the temp drops, cold from siberia comes here, so it'll probably stick around for a while. :)
6 months ago
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I like coding on stuff, but I rarely spend time in unreal engine, or godot, but I still want to code on some game stuff once in a while. I think I've found what I've been looking for to test out - #raylib , I want to recreate one of my older (outdated) projects that I did a while back in godot, but make the same with raylib. Also it would be cool to use the USD ( ) library that me and a friend is coding - to then implement it and load USD scenes in raylib, that would be very nice, that way I get to work on both the USD library, and code some game stuff at the same time, always nice to combine things.
6 months ago
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Reply to #7yvgd2q
@prologic 👍🏻👍🏻
6 months ago
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Reply to #fh4u7va
@darch That looks really nice! Cool feature!
6 months ago
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Reply to #7thohva
@prologic thank you! And same to you and your family :) christmas tree is ready, food in the oven, gonna be nice tonight :)
6 months ago
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Reply to #vnpitjq
@prologic Ah, they have that here too, couches and such, you pay extra for that. But they have 5 halls, and we went to the smallest one. Luckily not sitting next to anyone sick :) haha, but yeah, it crossed my mind.. Have not caught anything recently, and a bit risky to go to packed places right before Christmas, but it went fine this time :)
6 months ago
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Reply to #vnpitjq
@prologic Yeah, it costs a lot here too (500 NOK for tickets for 2 adults and 2 kids), and about 200 NOK for some candy there.. (2 sodas, and 2 other items).. But we do not do it often, so I do not think too much of it.
But yeah, it costs a lot.
6 months ago
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We went to the cinema tonight, was really nice to be there and see a movie with the kids :)
We saw a classic Norwegian Christmas movie - a new movie in the 'Jul i skomakergata' series.
6 months ago
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Last day at the office for the rest of the year! Looking forward to have some proper time off to spend with my family :)
6 months ago
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