# | |___ _| |___ _| |_ # | __\ \ /\ / / __\ \/ / __| # | |_ \ V V /| |_ > <| |_ # \__| \_/\_/ \__/_/\_\\__| # # Twtxt is an open and decentralised microblogging platform for hackers # using raw text files, easy to read by humans, # and with common protocols and open source behind. # # Know more about twtxt here: en https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # Using the following extensions: https://dev.twtxt.net # And I'm working on more extensions (lang, emoji, discover) # # version = 2023-06-03 # nick = eapl.me # url = https://eapl.me/tw.txt # avatar = https://text.eapl.mx/photo_2024_white.png # emoji = 🌱 # link = https://eapl.me # lang = en # description = Human Level 37, Engineer 🔧, scientist 🔬 y co-creator of organizations 🌱, living in Mexico 🌎, and working with people across the world 🗺️ y, learning to enjoy life! Texts and links on https://eapl.me # discovery = Not available (yet) # # follow = tkanos https://twtxt.net/user/tkanos/twtxt.txt # follow = eaplme https://eapl.me/twtxt.txt # follow = eaplmx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt # follow = lyse https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = rrraksamam https://twtxt.net/user/rrraksamam/twtxt.txt # follow = darch https://neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt # follow = shreyan https://twtxt.net/user/shreyan/twtxt.txt # follow = movq https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # follow = bender https://twtxt.net/user/bender/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle https://yarn.stigatle.no/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = darch http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt # follow = xuu https://txt.sour.is/user/xuu/twtxt.txt # follow = jason https://jasonsanta.xyz/twtxt.txt # follow = mckinley https://twtxt.net/user/mckinley/twtxt.txt # follow = eapl-mes-7-daily-links https://feeds.twtxt.net/eapl-mes-7-daily-links/twtxt.txt # follow = anth http://a.9srv.net/tw.txt # follow = xuu https://txt.sour.is/user/xuu/twtxt.txt # follow = andros https://twtxt.andros.dev/ # follow = eapl@mastodon.online https://feeds.twtxt.net/eapl-mx/twtxt.txt # follow = kat https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/twtxt.txt #~~~# 2024-11-20T19:21:00-06:00 (#c6ittpa) Want to help improve the shoddy code? 2024-11-20T18:20:00-06:00 (#c6ittpa) Hehe, although it isn't a fancy language PHP has improved a lot since the old PHP 5 days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's 3 to 5 times slower than Go, so I think that's not too bad 2024-11-20T10:46:00-06:00 (#gjhq2xq) My bad! My editor was set to use 4 spaces instead of a tab... Making twts by hand is hard =P 2024-11-20T07:57:00-06:00 (#gjhq2xq) Also I'm thinking on adding support for `If-Modified-Since` since it'll improve the refreshing process 🤔 2024-11-20T07:56:00-06:00 (#gjhq2xq) Hey! I tried running Timeline on my server with the default PHP version (8.3) and it's giving me a few errors https://eapl.me/timeline/ I should be sending a PR soon to fix it ;) 2024-11-08T08:21:00-06:00 (#w7qc4ra) Thanks @! I'm replying here https://text.eapl.mx/reply-to-lyse-about-twtxt 2024-11-08T07:29:00-06:00 (#fn4euca) Damn, it's certainly broken. Thank you for letting me know! I'm editing my .txt file by hand, and it seems WinSCP editor doesn't support that character and replaced them all =/ 2024-11-07T13:07:00-06:00 (#nvrq7lq) Hehe, thank you guys, I'm still alive :) 2024-11-06T08:34:00-06:00 I've been thinking of a few improvements for the next generation of twtxt spec, let me know if these are useful or interesting :) https://text.eapl.mx/a-few-ideas-for-a-next-twtxt-version 2024-12-11T19:55:17Z (#j7i6yra) well, the extension helps to know the file format as in `.txt` and `.html`, perhaps `.twt`, he! 2024-12-11T19:58:14Z @anth hehe, cool!

I'm changing mine to tw.txt -> https://eapl.me/tw.txt
And the older twtxt.txt will be redirecting for a while 2024-12-11T20:01:02Z I'll be using another URL for this twtxt.

The older one will redirect to the new for a while (I'm not sure what would happen if you follow both URLs, I assume it's better to add the new one and remove the older)

Please update your following list to https://eapl.me/tw.txt ! 2024-12-13T11:48:05-05:00 (#wl4utia) haha, that's gold xD.

#randomMemory I remember when I was starting to code, like 30 years ago, not understanding why my Basic file didn't run when I renamed it to .exe

And nowadays, I've seen a few Go apps in a single executable, so `twtxt.exe` could be a thing, he! 2024-12-13T20:16:33Z An inspiring book on making a life around IT security

Troy Hunt: "Pwned", The Book, Is Now Available for Free
https://www.troyhunt.com/pwned-the-book-is-now-available-for-free/ 2024-12-17T18:50:45-05:00 (#624dwtq) since twtxt is based on text files, I think you can consider @domain.tld as an alias of http://domain.com/twtxt.txt (or https://domain.com/tw.txt, among other combinations in the wild).

Or perhaps you can use DNS TXT records?
Although I think that's a bit more complicated for some environments and users, I'd go with looking for a default `/tw*.txt` 2024-12-18T09:57:07-05:00 (#6qodp6q) after thinking and researching about it, yep, I agree that WebFinger is a good idea.

For example reading here: https://bsky.social/about/blog/4-28-2023-domain-handle-tutorial
I wasn't considering some scenarios, like multiple accounts for a single domain (See 'How can I set and manage multiple subdomain handles?' in the link above) 2024-12-18T10:08:02-05:00 (#6qodp6q) I think we could discuss on implementation details like URLs and Handles.

@nick@eapl.me (Masto/Yarn style)
@nick.eapl.me and @eapl.me (Bsky style)

I see, for example, that `yarn` shows my account as @eapl.me@eapl.me which looks 'weird' although it's not wrong since my domain and my nick are the same. Honestly I like more the Bsky approach as in https://bsky.app/profile/eapl.me for @eapl.me, as when you look for https://eapl.me, it's my home page.

Also, I didn't get it completely if you are also proposing a URL standard using subdomains, like https://nick.domain.tls. I only want to point out that these are more difficult to handle from shared hostings, so I'd prefer to also allow https://domain.tls/nick/ 2024-12-18T10:08:39-05:00 (#hsyv65q) hey! 2024-12-18T18:45:27Z (#6qodp6q) BTW I'm watching that darch has already worked on that, interesting https://github.com/sorenpeter/timeline/blob/main/_webfinger-endpoint/.well-known/webfinger/index.php 2024-12-24T16:09:18Z (#6qodp6q) my 2 cents here...
I agree on displaying a short `@nick`.

We could hover on the nick to see the full detail which could be `@nick@domain.tls` or the full URL
Also it could be a display option in Preferences in case your account starts showing many collisions.

The disambiguation for collisions is the .txt URL and the nick inside it, right ? 2024-12-24T11:17:58-05:00 (#gc55n3a) I'm just having a similar issue with a podcast I just uploaded on Castopod (which supports ActivityPub).

My first thought was creating a subdomain with the name of the podcast `mordiscos.eapl.me`

Then I watched that the software allows many podcasts in the same domain, so I had to pick a handle:

So now I have `@podcast@mordiscos.eapl.me` when this one is 'more correct' `@mordiscos@podcast.eapl.me` or it could even be `@mordiscos.eapl.me`
I wasn't aware of all that when I setup Castopod (documentation might improve a lot, IMO)

My point here is that it's something important to think from the start, otherwise is painful to change if it's already being used like that. 2024-12-24T11:20:31-05:00 (#i5p7xta) Oh no! 
Wife and I agreed on hibernate until January, just visiting relatives but avoiding any kind of shopping. I tried buying something like 2 or 3 days ago and it's insane :o

Good luck! :) 2024-12-24T16:45:44Z (#6qodp6q) and going back to a handle you could input in your client to look for the user/file, like `@nick@domain.tls` I think Webfinger is the way to go. It has enough information to know where to find that nick's URL.

@ does that webfinger fork made by darch work OK with yarn as it is now? (I've never used it, so I'm researching about it)
https://darch.dk/.well-known/webfinger/ 2025-01-02T14:16:11-05:00 (#m5ib2va) Django channels are cool! I had the chance to make a online gaming framework with Channels and Django Rest and was a great experience.

I'm looking forward to doing something in Django LiveView soon. 2025-01-03T23:04:56Z > If you want a problem solved, you give it to someone as a project. If you don’t want a problem to be solved, you give it to someone as a job

Why you shouldn't build your career around existential risk
https://guzey.com/existential-risk/ 2025-01-06T13:24:21-05:00 (#2x7jyga) nice! would you mind elaborating a bit?
Is that the scientific method?
I couldn't find anything related when I searched for it. 2025-01-10T12:42:17-05:00 (#ot56hla) word of the thay, `prosoal`
Is it a typo of Proposal right? =P (Genuinely asking) 2025-01-10T12:53:07-05:00 (#wdmf56a) although I agree that it helps, I don't see completely correct to leave the nick definition to the source .txt. It could be wrong from the start or outdated with the time.

I'd rather prefer to get it from the mentioned .txt nick metadata (could be cached for performance).
So my vote would to make it mandatory to follow `@` but only using that name/nick if the URL doesn't contain another nick.
A main advantage is that when the destination URL changes the nick, it'll be automagically updated in the thread view (as happens with some other microblogging platforms, following the Jakob's Law)