The last week I've been playing around with , dang good tool for testing ai models and such. I really like the node based workflow. And makes it super easy to test any AI model. Only thing I miss now - is one of those image to video setup's, that's what I'm working on fixing now. So that I can generate images, and then automatically make them into short videos as well. Fun to play around with.
Finally weekend. Time to relax a bit. And today I finally have some time for my computer in my free time. Wish you all a great weekend! Take care of your self and those around you :)
Had a amazing bike ride with the dog today, the weather is a bit cold today (15c). Been wanting to find a gravel road that I can use, without meeting too many others. And today I found that. Got his pulling harness on, got my bike out of the basement, and headed out.
I've decided to try and get rid of as much stress as possible. Stupid things stress me out, some things are more important to fix then others. But today I got started, by fixing the xeon bulb on our car, been ignoring it for a year, because the car garage said it'll cost me 350$ so get it changed (Because they had to remove the whole front).. So because of that I did not prioritize it. But today I went and bought a bulb for 50$ and I openened the hood of the car and saw I could just replace it my self by simply removing a cover to get access to the bulb. So I've been stressing over nothing for a year simply because I did not check and took their word for it. next thing to get fixed is a rotten board under a window outside, been bugging me for a long time, now I want to get that sorted next. All these small things adds up, and I want peace of mind.
Finally fixed so that usernames mentioned in a post shows up as @user , and not with brackets and twtxt file url, looks so much better now! One thing I want to focus on next - is handling replies to a status, that will make it much easier to follow a conversation.
4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :)
Also tweaked the settings of my Bitaxe bitcoin miner, it was running a bit unstable, tweaked some settings and now it finally runs like it should.
Fixed a thing in the flutter client tonight, it now stores the username \ password and server url.. Which is a nice feature, no need to copy\paste anymore to log in.
Today we went to my mom's camper, we spent the day there, Marlyn and kids took the car, I took the motorcycle. We spent the day there outside, playing minigolf, eating pizza, walk the dog, and my stepdad went fishing with the kids as well. All in all it was a great day :)
So, the client now has a lot of features. I will work on fixing the @ mentions tomorow, making it like this: @username in bold. Will also see if I can fix so that users already mention in a post you click 'reply' on is also put into the status text field. When these things are sorted the flutter version has the same features as the GTK4 client. I'm quite pleased with the result of the conversion to flutter so far. Finally got motivated to work with it, which feels good.
Today I got to have a nice motorcycle trip with my daughter, we drove the road at the coast here, to the beach, sat there and had some soda and drove back again :) Was really nice. Weather has been great today, really warm and the sun is out.
Media upload works, light\dark theme enabled. Tested it on debian\windows - works out of the box, statusbar moved to bottom for cleaner UI. Next is working more on ui when it refreshes the timelines. .
It’s my birthday today :) i was born 41 years go, 3.5 months too early. I was so small my parents had to buy doll clothes at the toy store. Gonna be a nice day today, celebrate with my family :) we always treasure birthdays.🎂
Today I'm looking into flutter again, I've been wanting to test that out for a while. I started adding functionality from the 'yarn desktop client' ( ) I've been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter. Currently I'm able to log in and fetch the logged in user's username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it's a good start. That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.
Yesterday we had some time to ourselves, kids was sleeping at grandmas place. So me and Marlyn went for a 250 km ride on twisty forest roads :) now we are home again, nachos and movie 🍿. Love you Marlyn!
Bought a motorcycle this summer, I did not want two cars, and Marlyn would like to have the car more when I'm at work. So I bought a new cheap motorcycle, KTM Adventure 390.
It's been 10 years since I last had a motorcycle (back then I had a KTM 990cc).
Here I am with my daughter on the new bike :)
My kids love to go for rides, so does Marlyn as well, so it's a lot of fun for all of us.
We also went to Lunde locks, lot’s of history here. There are 6 of these locks, this is the biggest one.
We also rented a cabin for 5 days, and did a lot of things..
We visited Heddal stave church from 13th century, was really nice. Never been inside it until yesterday. Such a great building. Amazing to sit there and think about all the people who had been there since it was built.
We went to a new dog park today (1.5hr drive), booked the biggest of 3 parks for 2 hours, we had a really nice time there :) us and kids + dog had a blast :)
Quite proud of what we built :)
I really like the result.
8km walk - and now he’s satisfied. Time to relax, and start a nice weekend after a hectic week, hope you all get to have a great one!
Getting stuff done today.. Bought more fencing, so that the dog can stay outside on the terrace without jumping over to our neighbor, so I'll get that up soon. He has usually been in the garden, but that has been dug into a mudhole by the dog, so when it's rainy\wet etc he can now stay on the terrace. Other then that I'll probably do some coding on my multiplayer game today, since our kids are busy with friends etc.
Hey! How are you all doing? Been very busy days the last weeks, but now it's weekend, and the things we needed to do today are done, so now I can sit down for the rest of the day and just chill.
Getting warmer tomorrow and the next week or so, hope most of the snow melts so that I can head out and walk in the forest again - I miss that.
wow, we got about 30\40cm of snow last night, and when I woke up we could not even look out the window because of the snow storm, thought the kids would not get to school, but right before they left for the bus it cleared up. Got rid of the snow outside after work today, so now it's clear skies and nice out :)
Bought some more fencing for the garden, need to make it a bit higher some places, so that our husky can spend more time there, a couple of places has been a bit flimsy, time to fix it :) If he really wanted - he could easily get over, but he just likes to stay in the garden, and does never mess with the fence (wire mesh fence, wooden poles in the ground). Also have a long chain as well (that's as long as the garden) but he does not want to have that one one (and it's under 1.5m of snow now). If he ever jumps over or digs himself out I'll get one of long wires that goes overhead that I can attach one of those pulleys \ leash too, that'll be better then a long chain.
When it comes to AI stuff - I like to run it myself, not use a service. I found this today - I'll give that a good try when I need it, instead of chatgpt and such services.
Moved more snow today than ever before. Terrace is now ready for use. -10c out, tomorrow we’ll sit there with the portable fire pit, make some food on it :) this week has been crazy, but now it’s weekend and time to relax a bit.
Helped pur neighbour today, climbed over to them from second floor, and dug down to the veranda door from roof height, so now they can look out their windows again :) over the weekend I have to get rid of all the snow on our terrace, almost 2 meters there now. But it has stopped snowing now, so its nice to get a break after this.
One car was parked half way into garage yesterday, and owner went away, and now snow cannot be cleared because they cannot get past the car (dead end street). So the owner fucked up for everyone here. No one can get anywhere. Pisses me off.
Oh wow, we got almost a meter of snow over night, took over 2 hours to get the car space cleared. Now I have to take the snow off the veranda, and clear some in the garden (Nanook is acting up today, he loves the snow, so will clear some out around the fence, so that he can be out all day if he wants).. I do not want to do a long walk in this weather..)
Happy new year to all of you, will be exciting to see what this year will bring!
Wow, we can get up to a meter of snow in a very short time here, proper snowstorm! Exciting! Also next week the temp drops, cold from siberia comes here, so it'll probably stick around for a while. :)
I like coding on stuff, but I rarely spend time in unreal engine, or godot, but I still want to code on some game stuff once in a while. I think I've found what I've been looking for to test out - #raylib , I want to recreate one of my older (outdated) projects that I did a while back in godot, but make the same with raylib. Also it would be cool to use the USD ( ) library that me and a friend is coding - to then implement it and load USD scenes in raylib, that would be very nice, that way I get to work on both the USD library, and code some game stuff at the same time, always nice to combine things.
We went to the cinema tonight, was really nice to be there and see a movie with the kids :) We saw a classic Norwegian Christmas movie - a new movie in the 'Jul i skomakergata' series.
Last day at the office for the rest of the year! Looking forward to have some proper time off to spend with my family :)
Had a really nice time with my daughter at her volleyball practice today, all parents got to play against the kids, it was super fun! Been a long time since I've had this much fun, was so nice to be there with her tonight!
Started on a activitypub client, gtk4, c, made on OpenBSD, been quite nice learning experience so far, a bit adjustment from the usual way I do things. I have not done a project in pure c before. Got token stuff sorted, and posting, next is getting the timeline (and gui for that etc).
Dragged Marlyn and our kids out tonight to see the northern lights. Never seen it with my own eyes until tonight.
It's weekend again, time to chill. Weekends means family time, long hikes and late nights with the TV. I'm done with the long walk for today, and kids are busy with friends, so now I sit on my laptop for a bit.
Today it's cold, a bit of snow in the air. I'll head out for a long walk in a bit, I'll go a new place, a 9km trail. I'll try to remember to take some pictures. Wish you all a great Saturday!
Had a nice walk in the forest tonight, me, Nanook and all the deer.
Today I started my day getting up early, dog woke me up at 08:30, I then went for a 2 hour walk in the forest next to our city center. I hiked through there, down through the city and then around and back to the car. Was nice to see Nanook's progress on walking through the main street, he's can get overwhelmed there at times, and start to jump and nip etc, can be stressful when there is a lot of people around, because he's a big dog. But I have trained a lot on that, because he does the same thing at a parking lot I usually walk through on our regular walks, so each time I've taken that walk I walk through there, and when he starts acting up I just ask him to sit, and when he sits he gets a treat, and we then resume the walk, if he walks fine he gets a new treat, if he acts up I tell him to sit again. I've done this over and over.. And now at our walk through the main street - I could do the same thing, so much less stressful :) And makes it a joy to walk there.
Finally weekend. Came home from work, walked the dog for an hour. Now it's time to relax for the rest of the day :) Will probably sit on the computer a bit tonight. Not sure what I'll do there yet, but I'll figure something out for sure.
Did not expect anything less from meta. Pay or we will track you. Should be illegal.
My daughter started with indoor sand volleyball yesterday, she is now going to go there 2x a week, so happy that she found something she likes, her best friend started too - so they will go together there :)
I have not been feeling good the past two days, caught a cold. So yesterday I was very lazy, luckily the kids where busy with their things, and Marlyn took Nanook to the dogpark to let him blow off some steam. Today I feel much better, so I headed out early for a 5km walk in the forest with the dog before everyone got up this morning. When I came home my daughter went to her friends house, so she will probably be gone for the rest of the day, and my son is playing games with his friends. Its still raining a lot here, but I managed to do to the walk in between the rain. Now Im working some more on the laptop I installed OpenBSD on this weekend. Getting more stuff set up on it.
Got latest OpenBSD installed on one of my laptops, now Ill try and get the desktop client to work there. This will be fun!
Been working for two weeks straight, so now Im going to relax and enjoy the weekend. What are you all up to this weekend?
All day today I've been feeling like I could fall a sleep any minute.. Gonna be nice to get the kids to bed, then put on netflix and fall a sleep on the couch tonight.
You can now click on a nick in the desktop client to open their twtxt file in browser.
Finally went to a place I’ve been wanting to go to for a long time. There used to be train tracks here, but now it’s a gravel road and nature reserve. I had my biike and he ran for many kilometres. 2 degrees, rain, forgot my gloves, but it was all worth it :)
A storm is coming tonight as well, highest wind in 10 years… level orange all day tomorrow. Fingers crossed 😅
The wind settled, went for my usual walk instead. Was a lot of other people out today there with their dogs, so was nice to chat with some of them.
A 7 year old boy has been missing in a forest since Sunday after he got away from his family that he was on a hunt with, its the biggest search party In a long while that has been looking for him, hundreds and hundreds of people, some has been helping out with drones (and driven 800km to get there), and search dogs from all over Norway joined. And sadly today they found a dead person there. It’s really sad. Been thinking about him every day, and especially when I go to bed, and then think that this 7 year old has been missing outside, at night alone etc. weather has not been nice either. Ooooffff…
My son was with his friend playing soccer yesterday, his friend needed some medicine (broken tooth pain) - so he called home and his brother flew a drone with medicine to him and landed on the soccer field😁😂
Today I've been working on something that I've really missed, and that is clickable links in the desktop client, finally figured out how they work. So now you can click on them and it opens the browser. I need to clean it up before I commit it.
Weekend is getting close! We have a packed weekend for sure, but it'll be a nice one :) Hope you all get to have a nice day! What are you all doing this weekend? Anything cool?
So, a husky will pull. Tried all kinds of training for it, but his pulling does not go away, often it's OK when we walk with a regular collar, but he can also pull crazy hard with that - he just does not care if he chokes. when I walk with harness - he can pull as much as he wants\needs (since we both have one). But the problem is that he still pulls as hard on leash, tried one of those 'slip' leashes for a good while, but he could not care less. So today I bought something else (see attached image (not my dog in the image)). And this thing is magical, honestly. He does not like to have it on much yet, but I can now hold the leash with one finger. And the thing is that when you use this - they most likely will learn from that and walk nice on regular leash as well.
So yeah, just wanted to mention it, since it works better then anything else I've tried.
I've been on OpenSuse tumbleweed for some months, but I've been having issues with kdevelop and vscode, not showing includes and stuff like that correctly (and not compiling stuff, had to work in editor, then compile through commandline), making it a pain to develop on. Never figured out what the issue was, so I switched back to debian tonight, got everything working, so now I can code efficiently again. Feels good.
if this image shows up - we then have support for image upload in Yarn desktop client. :)
@prologic - I do not want to nag about it - but did you find some way to post image through curl? (Or could you share the almost-working solution that you tried?), if you have not had time - then that's fine too. I want to start looking into it again :)
Another day, another terror war breaks out. Sickening videos and images getting out of there. So glad I do not live in a shithole wartorn place to be honest, but feel bad for those who live that way. Innocent people getting murdered every day for nothing.
We all went to sit by the ocean tonight, was nice to sit down together and enjoy the view.
I started working on a new scene (3D), I've wanted to make a short movie for a while, and I work on some of my ideas to get something started. Here is one of the scenes I made last weekend..
I'll shut down this instance soon, I want to say thanks to all of you, especially @prologic . It's been fun here, but I do not spend much time here anymore - cutting down on the things I host and use \ spend time on etc.
I've been using activitypub more - since it's more or less replaced 'x' for me, and can be reached at: @stigatle
Good morning to you all! Just had the morning walk with the dog in the rain, it's raining pretty bad today, all day. But that also means I have some time for my computer later today. I just have to figure out what to do first :) Probably code a bit, or reinstall one of my computers, I've been wanting to run #OpenBSD again, I tried it on one of my laptops, but wifi did not work for some reason, but I have some wifi dongles - so I'll try with that, or install on one of my other laptops. I have a #Thinkpad #x200 with #libreboot, I might give it a shot there - all though it takes some time to get it to work with libreboot, I did install it some years ago though, so I think that should work again now. Either way I'll figure out something to tinker with today!
Bought myself a mountain bike today, first time (as a adult) that I have a really nice bike. it was on sale, and cost 1\3rd of the kickbike I kinda wanted. So after some thinking I decided that a bike is better for the dog (and me) then a kickbike. I assembled the bike and then went out so that he could have a long run, was awesome. I especially like it when he knows the commands I give (for left\right etc). So awesome to see him instantly know what I want him to do. He also ignored all people who walked or biked, and kept the pace throughout.
Yesterday and today Marlyn painted our kitchen, we have dark grey walls in the livingroom\kitchen, but our kitchen was high gloss white, but now she panted the kitchen the same color as the walls, turned out very nice! I really like it. And glad that she wanted to do that - I hate painting inside. Cheap way to make the kitchen feel new.
filmed a nice walk with Nanook today, you can watch it here :
We had a wonderful day yesterday :) We went on this train for a ride (30 minutes each way).
Today we went on another roadtrip! Was really nice, we also spent 2 hours in a crowded resturant (table outside), with our dog Nanook, went great! Kids could eat a whole pizza, and he just sat there next to the table taking in the view, dogs walked by, people walked by, crowded street etc, was awesome to see that all the training we have done gives very positive results :) Been a fantastic day. And was nice to spend it all with my family, I love having time off work.
I hung up a older tv in our bedroom today, a dumb tv without any smart features, bought one of those new chromecast's, works very well, pleased with this setup. Gonna be nice to watch some TV in bed, or listen to podcasts etc.
Got contacted on instagram from someone who wanted to buy some of my images (NFT), I have been putting the images I liked the most into a collection (and add new ones when I take Images I think is good enough) into the collection. Just letting it sit there to see if I can make a sale one day. Not sure yet if the person is serious or not - but If I could make a sale - then I'm all for it. It's much easier to put things up for sale as NFT then other ways. I sell them as a 1 item thing. And put a price that I think is fair (Fixed price on all, but based on the amount of time I actually spend getting to all these locations). One thing I have not liked about NFT is all the crap art stuff that there that takes 0 effort, but I do at least spend time picking out where we go. And each image has a memory attached to it, a trip with my family to that exact place..
compiled and ran the desktop client on riscv tonight. my mangopi only has 512mb ram, but it was enough to compile and run it :)
Went out with our husky this morning for some playtime, had one of the long lines on him and throw ball, the long line hook snapped, and luckily we have trained a lot on recall so he came straight back. Then went and got a more robust long line. I started doing this instead of longer walks when he wakes up. He uses up more energy playing then walking, so he is more relaxed afterwards.
Tidying up the house, throwing away all the clutter. Going to feel good later today when we’re done.
Russia attacks 200m from Nato border, you think Nato would react if the attack went 1 meter over the border?.. Or would they just come with excuses on why not to intervene?
we just came home from a weekend of fun! we’re all tired now, time to relax a bit :) hope you all had a great weekend too!
Heading off to the dog park tonight, will be nice for our dog to run as much as he likes! It's a plot of forest that's fenced in, and it's big enough for you to do some walking there as well and train on recall and all that good stuff.
I need to do a big rewrite on how the yarn desktop client handles the status widgets, this is because I want links and such, and to do that I have to rewrite the status message code, it takes a bit if time to do it, but I kinda know what to do - I just need to dive in and get it done. Been thinking about it for a while, I think it's time to get started on it. Also makes the code much cleaner then what it is now.
Good evening everyone! Damn nice with vacation, nice to sleep in every day :) Weather has not been good, really cold, feels like autumn to be honest, and lots of wind. Not summer weather at all these days.
Norway has had it with Meta, threatens $100K fines for data violations.
That's it for today :) Time to catch some zzz's. Good night to you all! New day tomorrow!
Threads is following Twitter by getting rate limits and all that good stuff.. hahaha
Kids has gone to bed, watching some youtube before they fall a sleep, Marlyn is playing PUBG, husky is sleeping on the couch after a long late evening walk, and I'm sitting on the couch listening to podcasts and just chilling. Nice way to end this Monday.
Finally the rain and wind stopped, now we'll have nice weather for the rest of the week it seems. Happy to see that! :)
House Republicans Accidentally Released a Trove of Damning Covid Documents New documents show a scientist calling a lab leak “highly likely” — after drafting a paper claiming the opposite.
Portioned out some raw meat for the dog, we usually buy it as frozen meatballs, but they have bigger frozen sauages of raw meat that you can buy, more meat for less price. So decided to go for that now, so got my axe and made it into daily portions.
Just compiled the Yarn desktop client on OpenSuse, was no issues getting it to run there, I love how portable it is. I initially wanted to run OpenBSD on this laptop, but it would not detect wifi, which is a dealbreaker for me, so I installed OpenSuse tumbleweed instead, and will run OpenBSD in a VM and try from there instead.
Today one crypto I invested in went up over 70%, the other 20%. The bank I have fucks us over with the current economy, and earns record amounts for themselves. This is why I put savings in crypto and not in the bank. Im not trying to come across as a cryptobro or anything like that with this post (I rarely write about it).
Came across a twitter post claiming that there is a UFO in a building, meaning the ufo crashed, and then the building was built to cover it.
The tweets are here: and here:
I wish it was true, but I have doubts about it. It's easy enough to find the building on google maps:
And if you zoom out you see that it's not even remote. So a UFO crash here without any pictures \ videos is extremely unlikely.
Also, the antenna on the roof got me thinking, I've seen that before, and that is where I often walk our dog, see here:,7.9084282,63m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu
my next goal is to save up to buy this one. its been my dream since we got our dog.
I had issues with the current activitypub implementation here on yarn (people could not follow me properly) and I cannot see their posts and stuff like that, so I decided to host activitypub separate from here. So I will turn it off here - and use this site has as before - but without activitypub turned on, and then do all my activitypub stuff over on that other service. I can be added through: @stigatle This does not affect the development of the desktop client, I will still work on that, I'm here to stay :) I just need a way to follow the others properly on the other services..
I did not want to join mastodon, and I did not want something complex to host, so I decided to set up Snac2 - . It's super lightweight, easy to set up, and worked out of the box for what I was looking for.
so. if you join threads (meta’s new twitter clone) - then you cannot leave without nuking your instagram..
when the kids are outside he likes to check on them :)
@shamanix - do you see this? (testing from my end)..
This whole twitter thing got me motivated to code on the yarn desktop client. Currently working on adding support for links in the post, so that you can open and view the links that are in the statuses.
twitter is so shit right now. down all day for me, the ratelimit bug.
Patrick has his birthday today! 9 years today! so today we are celebrating :) Happy birthday Patrick!
my stress level has gone down 10x today. been stressed a lot lately, but now Im much better. nothing has been wrong or anything øike that, just been stressed out. and now its only two weeks until I start my 4 week vacation, that will be super nice.
got two computers donated from work, xeon server machines. set them up for my kids. they do not know that ill give those to them yet. they have been asking about them, and asked if they can play roblox on them and such. they are going to be so happy tomorrow when they get the machines set up in their room tomorrow :)
been using the iphone for some days now, and I must say im impressed. I really like it. I will not buy android phone ever again.
Twitter timelines are not refreshing properly since last night’s events started. they must have some crazy traffic going on.
got ny iPhone 14 today, pretty pleased! bur it tales sone time to Get used to.
Just ordered a new phone, making the switch from Samsung Android to Iphone. Been a while since I've been excited about getting a new phone. Looking forward to it!
Today our daughter has invited her friends over to celebrate her birthday in advance, so we're spending time doing that today :) Going to be a nice day!
Hope you all are doing well! we're enjoying the heatwave that has hit us. :)
wanted to use my oculus to do some flightsimming on Friday, but now Meta forces you over to facebook. super annoying message that constantly pops up in the desktop client, but then after 10 minutes of flying they show the same message in fullscreen inside the VR glasses. so fuck them. I will try and get it to work on linux instead one day soon when I have time.
we went to the beach today, straight from work. was really nice, and water was great too! really nice day! our kids had a really nice time, and dog too :)
I wonder when they will show a UAP\UFO in physical form to everyone. So much talk about it - but no physical evidence is shown. I have no doubt that tech like that exists somewhere in the universe - it's not unlikely at all. Just think about the tech advancement the last 200 years, and then what if there exists others that are 1 million years beyond our timeline.
Hehe, as you all might have noticed - I test OS'es often. NixOS was too much of a pain to work efficiently in (the way I wanted), so hopped over to Fedora now. Got all my stuff working there now, as well as the desktop client. I really like how portable the code is, and how easy it is to compile on different os'es. Installed fedora with LXQT, I really like that desktop, I do not like gnome at all - I really dislike the way gnome works. LXQT is just what I need.
We had a really nice day today, dog woke up early (as he always does during the weekend), and I went for a walk in the forest while the rest of the house got to sleep some extra. When I got back we went to a fleamarket, and then we went to a farmersmarket in town, was really nice, and tons of things to see :) And a bit later today we'll have nachos, and I spend some time on my computer. Currently coding a bit.
I have to admit I'm very impressed with wsl2, they have done a damn good job on that. Makes it very easy to develop linux stuff on windows when needed. And removes the need for virtual machine or dualbooting etc. Also they have done a really good job integrating it with vscode.
Time to dive into threading and c++. I will start with making the file/image downloader threaded, then I'll make the timeline fetching and all that threaded as well.
I tested the yarn desktop client on wsl2 on windows 11, compiled and ran just fine there. Nice to have linux applications with gui on windows.
We have Monday off work again, going to be super nice with a long weekend again! :)
I need to add multithreading to the desktop client, I have not done that before in c++ - so that'll be fun to figure out. I need it for the fetching of the timeline so that it happens in a separate thread. That way the GUI does not freeze while fetching the timeline. Also need to add a status bar that can show what the application is working on.
I want to try NixOS again, and then get the yarn desktop client built on that, and then see if I can get the client into their repo. That would be fun to do. If I have time tonight I'll start on that.
Been some busy days this week, even though I have some time off now. Today me and Marlyn had some time for ourselves - and her mother watched our kids, so we went out to eat at a resturant, which we very rarely do, was nice to do that. I had some nachos, was really nice. Also bought one of those popcorn machines for our kids, because they always burn the microwave popcorn (not their fault - its the microwave thas weird), so now they can safely make popcorn :)
Scrollwheel on bluetooth mouse on ipad does not work in goryon. Other then that it works great! But you can use mouseclick and move the timeline as you do with touch, so its not a big deal.
Just 2 days at the office this week, then rest of the week is free time :) woho!
Decided to pick up my ipad again, I have one of those keyboards for it, as well as a bluetooth mouse, RDP to other machine works really well. A bit surprised about how well it works actually. I often use one of my older laptops and remote into my workstation, but this is a much nicer solution. :)
I have not used AI much at all, I have not paid any attention to it. But today I decided to give stablediffusion a test run, I do only have a 1080 card, so it took some tweaking to output 512x256 images, and I must say it works pretty well. I also had to get one of the memory optimized versions. Fun to test.
Hm, encrypted private messages on twitter is for those who pay for twitter blue only.. not that this was unexpected, but still..
Decided to write a bit about the desktop client on my website.. Feel free to read.
Today I get a free (used) bike, was nice of them to aak if we needed it. So now Nanook can start running while I bike, that will be great! (And a challenge).
Worked a bit on the desktop client tonight, now I store username/pass/server url, but it's insecure at the moment. I need to find a way to store it more securely.
I need to add 'thread view' in the Yarn desktop client, I find my self really missing that when I use it. It will make it much easier to follow threads and such.
Back home again, had a really nice time today, was about a 6hr drive (3hrs each way), so it's good to be back home. Was really nice to see grandma today (and the other family members that where there). Now we're baking pizza! Time to relax :)
Been a really nice day today. Just one more day at the office then it's a long weekend (We have Monday off work). Looking forward to that!
Got a really nice chain from my stepdad today, gonna rig it up in the garden so that the dog can be there as much as he wants without me worrying about him jumping the fence.
Working on showing attached images in the desktop client, it worked on first try. Now I need to fix the scale and alignment - but cool that it works already!
Had to add all my crypto to my taxes, damn that is a painful process. There are online services that helps with that part, so I use that to help. but I have transactions all over the place, so it takes a lot of time. But now it's done for this years tax report :)
I do not like that they snoop around here. But I'm not surprised.
"Nordic media reveals Russia's secret operations in waters around their states"
Getting a very frequent crash in yarn. Have to restart it several times a day now. Ill pull down and compile latest later today and see if that helps.
15 degrees + today, feels like summer. Gonna chill all day outside today and enjoy the nice weather :)
The code for the desktop client is now public here: , I will create tickets for the known things I need to fix and such later today.
I will release the sourcecode for the desktop client tonight. I will put it on github (sorry to anyone who prefer other places), but the reason is that I do not want my own git to be open for public. So I'll put it on github where I have all my other public projects. I have to write the readme, then add some info on the login page (link to source etc), then it's ready to release with the current features. I then hope others will give it a try and use it if they want :) I also have many other features I need to implement, but all the main features that makes it usable has been implemented, so I'm very pleased with it (And I use it all the time now).
Good morning to you all! Started my day by walking about 5km around a lake that's next to the ocean, a really nice place to walk. It rains today, so not many people out (which I like). So now the dog is sleeping on the sofa. My daughter went to a friend for a visit today, and my son is just chilling and watching youtube. So it's a nice chill start to this Saturday :) Hope you all have a great day!
Got up before 7 this morning, now it's 14,5 hours later - and I finally got to sit down for the first time today. Been a busy day, but a good one. Now it's time to relax a bit (code on the desktop client) and then relax for a bit. Tomorrow the weather is going to suck, but I'll still go for the usual weekend hikes with the dog, trying to plan a new place to walk tomorrow.
"PineTab2 and PineTab-V tablets available for pre-order for $159 and up with a choice of ARM or RISC-V chips"
I would love to have one of these..
We went on a drive today, to another city, spent time at the seaside, eating ice-cream , walked the dog together, spent time on the playgrounds, weather was fantastic too, so was a really nice day today!
The GTK gui client is coming along nicely. Added avatar support, and reply button. It's pretty obvious that the GUI does not scale properly yet, but I'll worry about that once the last feature is added. Now I'm only missing the 'post status' gui, I need to think a bit about how I want that implemented. Anyways - here's the latest screenshot..
Im going to fall a sleep standing up tonight it feels like. Holy shit I'm tired today. Just one more day then it's much needed vacation time.
The sun is out, no clouds, negative degrees, but beautiful day. Since we switched to summertime the dog sleeps an hour longer, which was great, finally got to sleep in. Dog has been walked, kids are playing roblox together, later tonight we will have pizza and watch movie etc :) have a nice Saturday!
Good morning to you all! How are you all doing today?
oofff. Ive been on twitter for 15 years. But this right here is making me consider to just not be there anymore. Not cool that he'll do this, but not unexpected either.. The engagement I get on twitter is low enough already, but will tank after this if I do not pay for it.
Installed latest Trisquel on one of my laptops, runs very well. I'll try and use this for all my daily stuff for a while, and see if it covers my needs :)
Beautiful spring day today, sun is out, it's warm. This is going to be really nice!
Good morning to you all! Rain is still poring down, tired of getting wet each time I go outside. heh. Going to rain all weekend it seems, but then next week it'll get better. Hoped the rain would stop this weekend, but it seems like it wont.
Good morning! Yet another rainy day in South Norway..
Woke up early, got out and walked the dog, came home and our daughter had cleaned up her room, the kitchen and livingroom while I was out. She did that because I told her yesterday that I wanted to tidy up her room today. So she wanted to surprise me by doing all this today. That was really nice of her. :)
Weekend is here :) I want to create a frontpage for my website - , fix cmake script for the desktop client and compile it on debian. Other then that I'll walk the dog as usual and spend quality time with my family. Going to be a great one :)
@prologic Keep us updated as you think about what to do about activitypub! :) Also - what ever you decide to do - I totally understand.
Brrr, we had -12c this morning. But no clouds and sun is out. Nice day!
my twitter feed blew up yesterday. I typically get some hundred views. but the post I did yesterday did get a lot of traction, lot's of replies and feedback etc.
the last days has been super busy, work, family, dog takes up most of my time (not that I complain). But I need to find some time for coding, so hopefully I can resume tonight for a couple of hours when kids has gone to sleep.
Heh, so now all the news sites in Norway is saying that 'covid leak from the lab is a plausible explanation', and 2 years ago you got banned all over the place for even asking if that was possible, and called this and that if you questioned this.
I will try and write a small cli example project in rust, that will let you post a message on yarn through a server url. Once I have that - I will then try and write a client with GUI and all that. I have not used rust much - but I really want to learn it more. I usually stick with c++. Not sure how much time it'll take to get started, but I'll give it a try.
Started my day with a 10km hike with the dog this morning, was nice and quiet outside today, about 0c out, but sun was shining, so was really nice. Kids are busy today, so now I'm spending some time on my computer, which is nice. Been a very busy week, so I'm glad it's weekend now.
I was supposed to travel this weekend (work), but in the end I did not need too. So now Ill enjoy the weekend at home :)
Good morning to you all! Are you doing anything cool this weekend?
Good morning to you all! The weather forecast says it'll be sunny for a week now, damn I'm looking forward to that, we've had a lot of rain this week.
I do not write much, but I decided to write a post about our dog.
I'm trying to write a bit more on my website, so it felt natural to write about this. I also have some other posts I want to do later on about other things that I do.
home from work. feed the dog, then walk in the forest in the rain. after that it's computer time :)
What do you all think about the UFO thing going on? Do you believe some of them are aliens? (tictac \ go-fast etc)? Do you think some government have a real UFO stashed away somewhere?
@prologic I start my yarnd through command line, is there a way to enable the activitypub that way? or do I need to do it some other way? (I compiled the latest source)
getting a new phone soon. Ill go for a iphone 14 this time. I have always had android, but Im a bit tired of it now to be honest, want something else. I will get the standard model. the others are way too expensive. I use it mostly for photos, so I hope its good (either way it'll be better then what I have now).
tonight Im going to tinker a bit with my Mangopi riscv board. runs debian. I want to update it and install some new stuff on it.
Took my daughter's kickbike again and let Nanook pull for some kilometres, he was really good today, fun to see him correct around obstacles, and when he looks back at me while running to make sure things are OK. I really need to get a offroad kickbike that I can use, makes it more safe too - because he runs fast. I know Ill get one in mid May, hopefully sooner.
good morning to you all! what are you all doing today?
My kids joined me on the long walk I had with the dog this afternoon, just before the storm came. I walked - they took their bikes. Was nice to spend this time with them today and not walk the round alone :) Now it’s time to just wind down and relax for the rest of the evening. Will probably spend some time on my computer today.
A storm is hitting us today, it just arrived it seems! Exciting day! Hopefully our roof won't come off today.
got up at 7 this morning, 14 hours later I finally get to sit down. time to chill before sleep :)
today we went and played some football together and went to the park. later Ill take the dog to the dogpark, some bigger dogs are going there later today, so that'll be fun for Nanook. other then that we'll have nachos tonight, and saturday candy plus a movie :) going to be a nice day!
I bought a 256GB usb a couple of weeks ago, I now want a OS on it with persistent storage. I only have 1 drive on my newest laptop at the moment, so I do not want to dualboot and such, so a os on the usb stick is a nice option. Tonight I'm testing NomadBSD - Will flash it in a couple of minutes, hope it boots fine with my hardware.
also, our dog does not sleep long on weekends, but today I refused to get up early once he started to get riled up I walked over to his crate, told him to sleep, sniffed my hand and he then stopped and got back to sleep, did that two times, and got up at 10 instead of 8. felt great!
At least I started on something today. Been months and months since I did anything. I started on a asset I want to use in a short I want to make some day. Not done yet at all, but blocking things out just so I get a feel for it.
Norway is buying 54 new tanks. Sweet upgrade. All though the current war is a distance from Norway - it's still our neighbour who is causing it. So it's always in the back of my mind.
just found out about wiregui - I have to test this one.
went to the dogpark today, was awesome. 6 other dogs there and he ran for 2 hours without a break. now he's sleeping :) so now I can relax for a bit and enjoy the rest of this Saturday.
Glad I got my test server that I can play around with. Been messing with docker today, and got nextcloud all set up the way I want, so now I can do the same on my VPS. Getting the hang of this now.
Gonna buy some firewood today, to use in our firepit, love sitting outside late - make some good food for my kids on the fire, then just sit and talk and have fun, look at the stars etc :) Gonna be a nice weekend for sure.
Good morning! Friday is here! Just one workday to complete at the office - then it's time to relax and have fun!
Good morning to you all! Wish you all a great day!
spent the day with my family as usual. went for a long hike with the dog so that they could sleep in this morning. we also made some food in our firepit this afternoon, which was really nice since its still cold outside. now the kids are sleeping, dog is sleeping, and me and my other half can chill with the tv on for a while. been a good sunday.
I have a fanless pc, with intel I7 (if I remember correct). Today Ill get it installed with latest alma linux, set up the things I want with docker (I usually do not use docker I just do not like it), but I see how useful it can be, so Im going to force my self to use it. Then when all services are running Ill use wireguard to hook it up to my VPS. I think this will be a great setup.
good morning! how are you all doing today? got up early, went for a walk with the dog in our city centre, nice to train a bit on that where there's many people and dogs.
do anyone know anything about wireguard? I have a VPS, which runs nginx. If I then want tjat to host something from my house, do I then set up vps as wiregiard server, connect from my house to it - and then serve the wireguard client? or do it the other way around? I think I have to look into it this weekend. would be a nice way to test out things.
So many hacks and scams in the crypto space, no wonder it's so lucrative to do such things. Just sit at home at the computer, hack stuff, earn millions.
Did not want to start my day with a hike today, so I borrowed my daughter's kickbike and let the dog pull me for some kilometres. He did better today then ever before. He hit his top speed and just kept going.
Finally back! My VPS's main drive got toasted. I got a freshly installed VPS now, got yarn set up and working now, now I have to fix the rest of the stuff. I've been using apache for many many years, but I had so many issues getting it set up today, so I switched to nginx, and that took me like 2 minutes.. So yeah - I'll use nginx from now on.
Installed latest NixOS on my secondary laptop tonight, was really nice with a proper installer (calamares installer), got most of the stuff I use set up, but I do need to tweak some more. I love the way the system is set up, makes it very easy to have the same setup on several machines. I'll try and run it and use it as much as I can now.
today I'm just chilling. dog slept until 09:30 today, new record, felt good not to get up early today. put on the latest podcast from lex freedman with coffeezilla, I enjoy the topic of crypto currencies.
have a older galaxy note 4 phone, was bricked, but got it flashed with stock rom tonight. so now Ill root it and all that, and see if I can get one of those nice OS'es to run on it.
how are all of you doing these days? I'm all good, work, family time and the usual walks with our dog. :)
Brought our dog to work today, so nice to have one that handles the cold without any issues. He just chills in his crate in the car while I work, and I take some small breaks to let him stretch his legs. Loves to play around in the snow. I could then take the 'long' walk on my way home instead of getting home first - then head out again.
@prologic what files do I need to update on my server if I decide to compile yarnd on another machine? (wondering so that I do not brick anything)..
I love flightsimming. Bought the latest xplane last night. resumed my flight around the world in a tiny plane.. VR, pedals, yoke and throttle setup.
Every saturday evening we either bake pizza or make nachos, we then watch a movie together as a family, we have done this every saturday since our first child was born 10 years ago. We all look forward to Saturday evenings :)
Also I need to set up a new website with a static site generator. Ill most likely give hugo a try again.
Tired of running owncloud, switched to syncthing, takes some time to set up all devices, but I'm glad to finally be pushed to set it up.
Tried to pull down the latest yarn, but I get this: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
Not sure if the issue is on my end or the other..
would it be possible to have some indication if you already follow a person? like where the profile pic is - some indication if you are already following or not? I often have to click in to know.
Should we hype this up a bit on twitter? Wonder who finds their way over here the next days.
Its very hard to see the number with dark theme when you have small font on phone. I kinda want to change the blue to a more grey, and keep the letters white.
working with c++, windows, cmake and wxwidgets reminded me on why I want to learn more rust. rust and crates makes it really easy to get up and running, crossplatform. scrapping what I did today, I'll start over and force my self to learn rust.
spent some hours in the dogpark with a colleague of mine and his dog, our dogs got along great :) was really nice.
started my day by going to the dogpark. had a really nice time. now it's time to telax and enjoy the weekend.
Installing NixOS on my spare laptop today. It's a fun OS to work with. Has its quirks, but I enjoy messing around with it and set things up the way I want it. :)
My vps went down this morning, but everything is back up now.
Started my morning with a long walk with the dog, getting very warm today, so if I do not walk in the morning I have to do that in the late evening. So now he's tired, had breakfast and just chills outside. Nice way to start this Saturday :)
Finally weekend again :) what are you all planning? I'll do the usual stuff - family time, walk the dog, code, sleep :)
Mark Zuckerberg on joe rogan , looking forward to hear this later today. I hope Joe is very critical.
Good morning to you all, new day is here. Nice with weekend. Today I want to code a bit, and then do some flightsim tonight.
New day at the office, been a nice first week after vacation so far, but weekend is always appreciated! Not sure what we're going to do yet - but I'm sure going to enjoy the days off work :)
Tomorrow I go back to the office after 4 weeks off, going to be rough to get up in the morning :p
@prologic on I cannot see the link for the list of pods
Also later today I need to set up that startupscript for yarnd, tired of manually starting it when vps boots.
The US put tornadocash on sanction list. Deleted github accounts and source. Since North Korea used it to launder stolen crypto. And people are surprised that it happened? Github is and never have been a safe place to store code. Tor/i2p is much more safer places to host code. But I understand why people use github, I do so as well for public project, but I also selfhost my other things
Kids are in bed, dog is sleeping, Marlyn is watching Tv, and I'm on the computer trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the night. Last week of vacation now, so I get more and more interrested in doing things on the computer. Played around a bit with my Risc-v SBC today (Mangopi), it runs debian, got everything updated and all that, thinking about setting up a webserver on it. It has 512mb ram, so it should be fine to host some static website on it.
We got a ride on a 106 year old steamboat today :)
I was supposed to try paragliding behind a boat tomorrow, but there seems to be too much wind, but fingers crossed, might be able to do so anyways, we'll see tomorrow :)
Good morning everyone, how are you all doing today?
One thing that happened since last I was here, is that we got a husky puppy, we got him in April, here is a picture when we got him, and one 4 months later :) his name is Nanook.
hm, testing latest mobile client, seems like replies does not work. hmm.
If you see this - then please give a reply so I know it all worked :) Good to be back by the way.