Did someone already tested https://github.com/CEREBRUS-MAXIMUS/Surfer-Data ?
Social networks are very dangerous for teenagers. When your teen needs one consider giving him a Flip Phone. And watch all new device connecting to the wifi because the « friends » of the teen will give him, one of their old mobile (that he will hide).
How Cloudflare runs Prometheus at scale: https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-cloudflare-runs-prometheus-at-scale/
you were reading a newspaper and they say, ‘Man Shot in the Face by a Six-Foot Rabbit Expected to Survive,’ and they never tell you it’s a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Dave Chapelle
Disgusting : REPORT: Majority of content on Mastodon social media site is child porn : https://thepostmillennial.com/report-majority-of-content-on-mastodon-social-media-site-is-child-porn
Hi @prologic I tried to understand the point of @lucidiot, and what he actually doesn't like is not the extensions on itself (even if he prefers #<hashtag https://twtxt.net/search?tag=hashtag> instead of # < hashtag url> (that I understand)), because he also uses some extension.
Actually what he doesn't like, is the fear that you may extend the protocol and once it's adopted by everybody, make it proprietary and oblige everybody to only uses your platform. (here https://brainshit.fr/read/242)
Spending the weekend playing with #<ChatGPT https://twtxt.net/search?tag=ChatGPT> and #<MidJourney https://twtxt.net/search?tag=MidJourney>
I found that old Article (2012) : Minority Report is real: FBI wants to use social networks to prevent future crime : https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/minority-report-is-real-fbi-wants-to-use-social-networks-to-prevent-future-crime/
Finally twitter put it has top priority : https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-child-sexual-exploitation-content-is-top-priority-2022-11
Apple limited a crucial AirDrop function in China just weeks before protests : https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/11/30/apple-limited-a-crucial-airdrop-function-in-china-just-weeks-before-protests.html
Real Time Recommendation System With Collisionless Embedding Table : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.07663.pdf
I don't know why people use #<mastodon https://twtxt.net/search?tag=mastodon> for. I though it can be a good replacement for twitter, but I m trying to find what is happening in Brazil, and apparently according to mastodon there is nothing happening in #<Brazil https://twtxt.net/search?tag=Brazil>. Seriously ?
Índios manicoré Amazonas se revoltam com as eleições com possiveis fraudes na Urnas : https://youtu.be/0QbiZLX0xfE
Audit independante das eleicoes brasileiras : https://odysee.com/@anarcodan:e/BrazilWasStolen:c8?t=976 e https://odysee.com/BrazilWasStolenPart2:0
@prologic where is the code of feeds ? I saw some errors, and I just want to investigate more.
Frightening : How China tracks everyone : https://youtu.be/CLo3e1Pak-Y?t=360
Very funny and cute : https://nitter.net/Lilblackbabies/status/1586852345970835456
I just invited one of my heroes (Martin Fowler) to come by here.
Not even surprised : https://nitter.net/lhfang/status/1587104660355096576
Something I like in Mastodon is they have 2 discover view :
- local (only the pod communication)
- federated (everything like our Discover)
It's good when you are in a community, example in mastodon I am in fosstodon, and sometimes I only want to see what the community is talking about.
A full-featured testing framework for Golang : https://golang.ch/a-full-featured-testing-framework-for-golang/?amp=1
Who likes “Flipping bangers” ? #<motortrend https://twtxt.net/search?tag=motortrend>
I did a jump on twitter this morning just to see. And ss always I find it is a very hatred place. Full of people that love to hate, and spread their hate, and self declared prophet that knows what the future will be. If you believe them all Trump will be back on twitter to start a Nazi regime, and Elon drinks baby blood. Why does people love to spread their hate so much ?
Data-Structures-and-Algorithms: Data Structures and Algorithms implementation in Go : https://github.com/ua-nick/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms
@prologic what do you think about the new decentralized AT protocol of bluesky ? https://atproto.com/
@prologic has you seems interrested, Elon said what he plans for twitter : https://nitter.net/elonmusk/status/1585619322239561728 but it's not very IT exiting.
A lot of friends are now driving electric cars, I can’t help myself by finding those car boring.
Even if I don’t think JavaScript should go concurrent, because it is great the way it is (and the even loop works well) and if we need concurrency there are others languages, here a great article about the subject: https://webkit.org/blog/7846/concurrent-javascript-it-can-work/
I installed on the advice of @mckinley newsboat but to test it I need feeds to follow, and I haven't any that comes in mind, advice ?
Through the years I tried many different search engine. And unfortunately except google no one has ever been as accurate. I'm trying again duckduckgo and I have not been disappointed so far.
Does anyone have an account to add twtxt in that page : https://indieweb.org/specifications
I love parsers in go : https://dev-nonsense.com/posts/incremental-parsing-in-go/
Event Storming to help your DDD design meetings : https://creately.com/blog/diagrams/event-storming/
Interesting documentary about the guy behind the tor drug site Silk Road : https://youtu.be/HBTYVVUBAGs
@prologic @darch In order to avoid that big (ugly) green bar saying "due to unwanted spam ...", won't it be better to only add that bar in the registration form ?
The hundred page Machine Learning book : http://ema.cri-info.cm/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019BurkovTheHundred-pageMachineLearning.pdf
I like twtxt format very much, for being decentralized and everybody can hold their own data. But I see 3 negative points.
- not everybody can host their file
- discoverability is hard
- lack of encryption
Tomorrow Evening, with my 6 years old son, I will be looking at a documentary about snowy owls : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e2TpkZ1FEY
Btw @prologic I admire the code you have done on go.yarn.social/types and I'm jealous of go.yarn.social/lextwt
twx is still very spartan but I'm soon finishing to add yarn hook support
@prologic didn’t you asked some months ago ideas to finance twtxt servers ?
I'm reading a lot about DID, and Am I the only one to find it terrible ? It seems to me that they want to recreate OpenID. Actually I don't even understand what are they trying to resolve that a public/private key can't resolve. Ideas guys ?
Does someone know something about locutus (except that they are start trek fan)
Challenges for distributed and decentralized technology from the perspective of Signal development link
@prologic what is spam in twtxt ? I mean I just saw 2 hotel advertise so far.
@lyse @mckinley @eaplmx the code you requested to follow all the twtxt mentions (https://github.com/tkanos/we-are-twtxt on the folder search)
- I adjusted the code to take for the rank, taking in account only the mentions and not weighted by the number of tweets)
- the files generated will be in your home folder
A good lightweight and written in go alternative : gotosocial (still in alpha)
One of my friends did a very good joke, I was talking with him about privacy on internet, and he replied to me :
- What are you talking about, you use firefox on Linux in a village of maximum 1000 people, you don't even need to use cookies.
Guys, I have a bad news, I went through the twtxt-osphere :
- I found 1289 twtxt account
- among those 721 are accessible ( 712 http / 9 gemini / 0 gopher)
- but only 111 account are still active in 2022 :S (107 http / 4 gemini / 0 gopher).
I have also rank all the accounts by influence. (just for fun) without surprise @prologic is the 1st most influential twtxter, @lyse you are 3rd, (I'm 32nd)
Please don't test it for now BUT just to announce that the version 0.1.0 alpha (not yet tested) of my future twtxt client twx has been pushed.
It should have the basic for a client (follow/unfollow/tweet/timeline), the fancy part will soon come (to see on the readme file).
Using bitmaps to run interactive retention analyses over billions of events for less than $100/mo : https://vikramoberoi.com/using-bitmaps-to-run-interactive-retention-analyses-over-billions-of-events-for-less-than-100-mo/
Hello @ghklhijsd you have a very hacker name, like nobody will never remember you.
If I have the choice between a Linux and an Apple, I really don't know which one I would choose.
Created a PR to fix jdtron/twet ability to generate hashes on tweets : https://github.com/jdtron/twet/pull/3.
I was bored tonight, so I created a generator of twtxt file using git (https://github.com/tkanos/gitwtxt) :
- Each commit is a message
- Each branch is a thread --> Then I generate a twtxt file out of it.
Benchmarking clickhouse imports : https://tech.marksblogg.com/faster-clickhouse-imports-csv-parquet-mysql.html
Demystifying the Parquet File Format by Michael Berk in https://towardsdatascience.com/demystifying-the-parquet-file-format-13adb0206705
Differences between Memcached and Redis : https://engineering.kablamo.com.au/posts/2021/memcached-vs-redis-whats-the-difference
Who found Mutation Testing useful ? I have tested it but it helped me to find the boundraies of my tests, that excepted ....
Very good article showing some differences between OOD and DDD (lacking unfortunately some big differences that helps to understands the concept anyway) https://www.mirkosertic.de/blog/2013/04/domain-driven-design-example/
I don't like to design following the pure Object Oriented Design, too focus on anemic models, instead I prefer design based on behaviors (that may use Object Oriented Design in second)
Maximizing Developer Effectiveness https://martinfowler.com/articles/developer-effectiveness.html@
That is nice, the community is growing, and more active, each morning I have now 3 pages to read (Instead of one previsouly)
@prologic I tried to deploy yarnd on GCP, without success, mainly because of the incompatibility with the third twelve factor principle. If I have time I will try to use viper to change it.
A very good article I read back in 2017 about linq in Go using iterator patterns, is unfortunately not online anymore, hopefully I found the web.archive version https://web.archive.org/web/20170212135430/https://kalan.rocks/2016/07/16/manipulating-data-with-iterators-in-go/
@prologic I think you will love those articles https://developers.mattermost.com/blog/hands-on-iouring-go/ and https://kernel.dk/io_uring.pdf
Hello Evrybody, I know it seems that I went out, but that's not true, I'm still here reading each one of your messages, every day, It is just that I prefer to be non-verbal. But send you all lot of Love.
Hello @prologic was out for 2 weeks, now that I'm back we need to talk about :
- the issue I raised on yarnc (+ some others ideas how to handle it)
- I did some tests on encrypting everything and came out we 2 possible solutions
- Two idea I have to have fun with twtxt protocol.
- One idea to federate twtxt.
2 weeks having 3 more people at home was tiring. Happy to have them, happy to have my house back.
China May Have Just Taken the Lead in the Quantum Computing Race : https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2022/04/china-may-have-just-taken-lead-quantum-computing-race/365707/
Open Sourcing Twitter’s Algorithm Part 1: How Twitter Works : https://transitivebullsh.it/oss-twitter-algorithm-part-1
I don’t know if I like or not but it’s definitely interesting, ML in a DB server : https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb
Friends : Rachel and Ross giving relationship advice to chandler : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8DLIpSAtF8
More control with idempotency : https://buttondown.email/krcah/archive/more-control-with-idempotency/
Building an Open Source ML Pipeline: https://towardsdatascience.com/building-an-open-source-ml-pipeline-part-1-5b52d06351d1
Home Made Stirling Engines From Expedient Materials : https://hackaday.com/2022/04/13/home-made-stirling-engines-from-expedient-materials/
My mum came with my 2 niece to visit us (for 2 weeks), we were 10 at home yesterday, hopefully I had a bottle of wine, but today I'm exhausted.
Understanding OpenTracing, OpenCensus, and OpenMetrics : https://www.bmc.com/blogs/opentracing-opencensus-openmetrics
re-posting because the first post disappeared :
Building your own ngrok in 130 lines : https://dev.to/progrium/building-your-own-ngrok-in-130-lines-2lif
I m good at work, but I m terrible at life (why don’t we have life course at school)
Who knows that chrome sends specific headers to google domain only like X-client-data : https://9to5google.com/2020/02/06/google-chrome-x-client-data-tracking/
Need Advice : For a small Personal project, I'm hesitating between IAAS and PAAS.
- IAAS : I control everything and own everything
- PAAS : More funny, but I own nothing, and control nothing.
Ideas ?
I hate paperwork, and still i am looking (to help) on how to start an NFT in Australia https://www.ato.gov.au/non-profit/getting-started/starting-an-nfp/. Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to help there.
@prologic when you will have time I will need some advice, on 1 issue : https://git.mills.io/tkanos/yarnc/issues/1
Thinking in the difference between :
- Messenger (knowing people talking together)
- Social Media (people talking together about posts)
- Micro Blogging (like own rss feed)
- News Aggregator.
Useless but interesting article : Go Context timeouts can be harmful : https://blog.uptrace.dev/posts/go-context-timeout.html
salty-im could be inspired by some functionality of https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat
Most of the Time I don't even have time to pee, and yet, here I am at 5 AM coding a silly app, that generates star trek like sentences.
@prologic I will try to be there in 4 hours for the meeting, If I can't (because I am still not sleeping), here is the status of yarnc.
go web assembly used to fingerprint : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-craft-webassembly-go-part-2-luca-sepe/
@prologic, on the merging of twter and yarnc test I m doing, I did a quickstart that will help to solve those issue of non setup things.
After some experiment I saw that saltpack (salty) when sending to multiple recipient, encrypt the same message many times (with all recipients public key) so don't need to generate a symmetrical key (more safe).
Hello @prologic, I'm a bit muted, because i'm working hard in A yarnc. I will be more talkative when I will need help or advice.
@off_grid_living I thin the "tree" is a tsadi in hebrew. A rabbi once told me that the Bereshit was hard to translate because it was very cryptic.
@~duriny looking at your code here : duriny.envs.sh/twtr I am not familiar with cobra, but I don't see where you call the quickstart function ?
State of the Art on the command line apps for twtxt:
<Twtxt https://twtxt.net/search?tag=Twtxt> :
- Great for handling personal files
- A nightmare to install and find the good requirements.txt
- Not handling the metadata
- Not handling web connection (yarnsocial)
<Twtr https://twtxt.net/search?tag=Twtr> :
- Better than Twtxt for installing And metadata
- Lacking web connection (yarnsocial) (being developped)
- Lacking Pre and Post exec (easy to develop)
- Thread View lacking / User info view lacking
<Yarnc https://twtxt.net/search?tag=Yarnc> :
- Best for yarn social connection
- Follow/Unfollow/ Thread View / User Info/ View feature missing
- No files handling (may be hard)
@search_social How can you connect to here and at the same time in twt.nfld.uk. I tried to connect to the interface and it gave me an error.
Will give a try to Matrix that week-wend.Installing weechat-matrix and dendrite
(did you do it) ? it's a great package, I'd like at some point that yarnc will be able to handle files as well as yanrs ?
@~duriny btw I really like the simplicity and efficiency of twtr.
Actually my last message was already a test for the -f options :D That is working.
Sorry @prologic to disturb you, but using types.MakeTwt(mainTwter, time.Now(), "Hello")
for some unit tests, I found that panic("twt manager not configured")
, I searched in the code without seeing where you use SetManager ??
@prologic I mean SIR @prologic, I am astonished and I pay a tribute to all what you have done (just saw feeds.twtxt.net and search.twtxt.net)
Congrats sir.
$yarnc post $(echo test | gpg --symmetric | base64)
$yarnc timeline | tail -n 3 | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | base64 --decode | gpg --decrypt
post -a test_feed timeline | tail -n 3 | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | base64 --decode | gpg --decrypt
Please don't read what will follow, I am just doing some tests between yarnc and yarnweb
@~duriny, @prologic Sorry guys, my bad, was trying some feature between web app and command line, and ended up posting 2 times, and removing one