been rather uninterested in technology lately for some reason. it's probably the US Election's fault, since I live in the US and all
The British voting out the Tories on July 4th seems very symbolic...
Sorry I don't post here so much! I'm generally very online on Bluesky, but that's a completely different kind of posting. I come here when I'm looking for something calmer, slower
I am going to make a library to add Monads to Go and call it Gonads
I wanted to see if anybody had made a Gopher library for Go(lang) and turns out, I know the guy who did 😂 @prologic
Referring, of course, to
yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!
What would the reaction here be if Twtxt were to be added to Bridgy Fed?
Oh no, I forgot to post this here three days ago! Here you go now:
hmm all my old twts disappeared from the yarn webview, is that normal?
OpenAI drama has been VERY weird. Betting that Altman is fired within a week again :0
Wanting to get into Geminispace and starting to feel like I should write my own Gemini server in Go
Check out the Nex Protocol. It's designed to be even simpler than Gemini and Gopher. What do you think? Could be great to host a twtxt feed on.
is there any interest in an index of known public twtxt feeds that provides a json-based api for things like a social graph, getting more complete views of a thread, etc..
good morning, just built a server that can subscribe to and publish twtxt feed
I find it deeply ironic that the site that ran this article, Forbes, has by now become enshittified with ads and paywall popups galore. Would they come out against stricter copyright laws again today?
Maybe I did this just to get on @prologic's nerves, but:
As a multi-time entrepreneur (I had two lemonade stands plus an NFT Discord) I understand business, and theft.
Our AI hooks into your surveillance camera system, checks it for matches with "criminal," and then automatically calls the police. 🚔👮♂️
@prologic is gonna be so mad at me for this but
Ruby is my favorite language
In 2021 the next big thing in tech were craptocurrencies and shitcoins. Now it's LLMs (lying language models).
What's next?
@rabble on too, wow! I've met you already on Mastodon and nostr... this is great.