A guy on the internet. https://mckinley.cc/
QOTD: Do you have a way to get back into your home network if you get locked out?
I have a Tor hidden service that lets me SSH into my server from anywhere. I never had to use it until last week. I was playing around with the port forwarding configuration on my router for Wireguard (migrating to a new server, very exciting), forgot to change it back, and found myself an hour away from home hoping to watch a show on Jellyfin. All it took to fix it was an SSH port forward through that hidden service to (very slowly) access my home router's Web interface.
Does anyone else declare a computer dead after extensive testing, let it sit on a shelf for 2 weeks or a year, try it again, and have it work fine? It seems like that's happened to me a lot more than it should.
Can anyone recommend a decent Android ROM that strips out as much of the spyware as possible? Is GrapheneOS a good option? I need to get a new phone anyway so I don't mind buying within a supported device list as long as I can get one on the used market for $300-$400 or less.
If anyone could recommend some learning resources for this stuff I'd really appreciate it.
I recently installed Scrutiny for disk health monitoring and Healthchecks for cron job monitoring. They both have nice Web UIs and alert functionality, but I hacked together a little status report that runs whenever I log into my server using their APIs.
If you're reading this, it is now possible to post on twtxt.net using Ladybird!
A careless rm -rf
just got me, big time. I realized what had happened and stopped it in less than a second, but it had already deleted ~3000 (70 GiB) of files I didn't want to delete. Luckily I had backups in Restic.
Fun fact: This is the first time I've had to restore more than a file or two from any of my Restic repositories.
#QOTD : If you could redesign a fundamental internet protocol from scratch, which one would you choose and how would you improve it?
How To Efficiently Copy Files To Multiple Destinations: https://mckinley.cc/notes/20240508-copy-multiple-destinations.xhtml
I did it again... #cm7e3ya #s4nbfta
I edited it because I started the line with 500.
, which the Markdown parser took as the start of an ordered list and made it number 1.
QOTD: Have you ever suffered significant data loss? If so, what went wrong?
QOTD: How do you back up your files?
I asked this one almost a year ago and I started using Restic shortly after that. When I started, I was only backing up my home folder to the repository over NFS. Now, I'm backing up the entire root filesystem to a repository using the REST backend so I can run Restic as root without breaking the permissions.
I'm working on automating it now and I'm trying to come up with something using pinentry but my proof-of-concept is getting pretty obtuse. It will be spread out in a shell script, of course, but still.
systemd-inhibit --what=handle-lid-switch restic --password-command='su -c "printf '"'"'GETPIN\n\'"'"' | WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 pinentry-qt5 | grep ^D | sed '"'"'s/^D //'"'"'" mckinley' --repository-file /root/restic-repo backup --exclude-file /root/restic-excludes --exclude-caches --one-file-system /
I'm curious to see how everyone's backup solutions have changed since last year.
@prologic I might have mentioned this already but you might want to look into MoneroPay for payment processing when you get to that point with cas.run. It's a completely self-hosted backend service for receiving and tracking Monero payments and it's written in Go.
QOTD: How do you listen to your music?
I'll start. I have a meticulously organized FLAC library stored locally on my laptop and played with cmus. Everything is manual but I have a collection of home-grown shell scripts that help me maintain folder structure, manage metadata, calculate information about the recording like dynamic range and spectrograms, and do transformations like cue splitting. Once an album has been processed, it goes into the music folder on my laptop with a duplicate copy stored on my server.
I have been thinking about letting beets do all of that boring stuff, but I'm not sure I can trust it to do it right. I also really want some kind of (self hosted) algorithm to pick songs for me. As it is, I can't just shuffle my library or even genres because there are a lot of songs that don't go well together as well as songs I just don't like. I haven't found anything that can do that.
Anyway, I'm curious to see how you guys do it.
Cutting edge server monitoring from McKinley Labs: Detect when the heavy compute task on my server is done and play a sound on my laptop
ssh server 'while true; do test $(</proc/loadavg cut -d . -f 1) -lt 10 && break; sleep 10; done' && qmpv sound.opus
QOTD: What do you host on your home server? How do you host it? Are you using containers? VMs? Did you install any management interface or do you just SSH in? What OS does it run?
Mine runs Arch (btw) and hosts a handful of things using Docker. Adguard Home, http://mckinley2nxomherwpsff5w37zrl6fqetvlfayk2qjnenifxmw5i4wyd.onion/, a Monero node, and some others. NFS, Flexo, and Wireguard (peer and bounce server in my personal network) are outside Docker. I have a hotkey in my window manager that spawns a terminal on my server using SSH. It makes things very easy and I highly recommend it.
I am thinking about replacing Docker with Podman because the Common Wisdom seems to say it's better. I don't really know if it is or isn't.
Also, how much of your personal infrastructure is on IPv6? I think all the software I use supports both, but I've mostly been using IPv4 because it's easier to remember the addresses. I've been working for the last couple days on making it IPv6-only.
QOTD: What are some (GNU/|)Linux distributions that think outside the box? I'll start.
- Bedrock Linux - A "meta distribution" that uses black magic to install packages from any distribution you can think of
- GoboLinux - A distribution that uses black magic to eradicate the standard filesystem hierarchy and give each package its own directory tree, e.g.
. It's been around for a whopping 21 years.
There are also the well-known ones like NixOS, Qubes, and even Gentoo but I don't see those two mentioned very often.
@prologic I've thought about that, but it seems awfully inefficient to host a full code forge with a Web interface just to mirror some Git repositories.
QOTD: Do you keep a personal archive of Git repositories? If so, how? My backup system is a poorly written, inefficient shell script that I run manually when I think about it and I'd like to do something about that. The Yuzu and Citra emulators were taken down recently and I have a ~3 day old backup of Yuzu's repository but nothing for Citra.
PSA: If you're on Arch Linux and you want to use some of your own scripts on multiple machines, it is incredibly easy to write a PKGBUILD. Then, you can scp the built package around and install it with pacman -U
. Let Pacman handle your dependencies so they can easily be removed later and only when they're no longer required.
A Good HP Laptop: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20240123.xhtml
Does anyone have any personal experience with Spiral Linux? It is just preconfigured Debian + your choice of DE installed with Calamares. After the installation is completed, you aren't dependent on anything except the existing Debian infrastructure which is, of course, rock-solid.
I just caught a bit flip in a tmpfs. The 42 MiB file only existed for about 3 minutes before the error was first detected by the FLAC decoder. Very unlikely.
$ xxd -b ../08.\ New\ World\ Rising.flac >old
$ xxd -b 08.\ New\ World\ Rising.flac >new
$ diff old new
< 010ef510: 11110011 01001010 11111010 10011111 11110011 00111011 .J...;
> 010ef510: 11110011 11001010 11111010 10011111 11110011 00111011 .....;
The future of the Web, as of 2000: https://mckinley.cc/notes/20231013-xhtml-for-dummies.xhtml
QOTD: Aside from work, what technology related events do you attend in the real world? Are you part of any social clubs dedicated to technology, e.g. user groups?
@abucci Are you still with jmp.chat? If so, are you still as happy as you were before? Have you experienced any reliability issues, especially with receiving phone calls?
Announcing again on this feed for visibility
mckinley.cc is now available as a Tor hidden service: http://mckinley2nxomherwpsff5w37zrl6fqetvlfayk2qjnenifxmw5i4wyd.onion/
I don't want ~27 hours generating keys to go to waste :)
Rebooting a LUKS Encrypted System Without Typing The Passphrase: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20230526.html
The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your grandchildren will never know existed.
"AC/DC" is pronounced one letter at a time, though the band are colloquially known as "Acca Dacca" in Australia.
Is this true, @prologic?
On the new Wikipedia theme: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20230119.html
Anyone want to try out gtkatlantic? It's an online clone of Monopoly.
Well, really, it's the only frontend to a board game server that can be used as an online clone of Monopoly.
There are a couple public instances that we can use.
@prologic and @justamoment, this Gitxt project sounds really interesting. Can you tell us about some of your goals?
We are performing scheduled maintenance.
Where is the schedule, @prologic? :)
@axodys Your octobloc.xyz pod is accessible at, https://www.gamevault999.com/, and https://creativeaxile.com/. You might want to fix that.
Ladybird's Current Progress on Yarn.social: https://mckinley.cc/notes/20221119-ladybird-yarn.html
@lyse, what's the story behind your avatar? Is that the A-Team van built out of Lego bricks?
Are you guys aware of the notes section of my website? Should I announce new notes here like I do with blog posts?
Another great chat with @prologic and @ocdtrekkie tonight.
Some things we talked about:
- Time zones and DST
- Mastodon and scalability
- E-mail and decentralization
- Twitter and Elon
- New twtxt feeds popping up since the bird was freed
Also, @prologic said he's not interested in ActivityPub integration for Yarn.social
Atom vs. RSS: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20221109.html
It only took me 5 days :)
It's a beautiful fall afternoon and I have the day off. What are you all working on today? I've been working on a script that pulls in updates for a number of Git repositories at once in order to keep an updated local archive of them.
Today, I'm making it resilient against the maintainer force-pushing an empty branch in an attempt to foil archives. There's still some more work to do, but I just ran a successful test.
The complete history of the repository is backed up in the bundle before the evil maintainer's force push is brought in.
Hey @prologic, I wanted to learn a bit of jq
so I went hunting for spam accounts on git.mills.io using data from the API. Here are the results. I thought I'd find more than 11.
@prologic I tried out your mirror utility. It's a great start, but I ran into some issues.
- It's creating the directory tree as it should, but the assets are incorrectly placed in the same directory as the document
- The paths in the document should be rewritten to be relative instead of absolute
- It respects robots.txt and there is no way to turn it off (I had to delete the file on my machine to make the tool work)
<link rel="canonical">
isn't a page requisite, but the tool downloads the file at the specified URL anyway. (It doesn't respect robots.txt when doing this)
https://ttm.sh/0Pb.txt demonstrates the problems with the directory tree.
Had a nice chat tonight with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, and @taigrr. Some things we talked about today:
- The release of yarnd 0.15
- Packaging apps for Sandstorm
- SSD performance
- KVM on WSL
- Mitigating smart home spyware for in-store demos
- https://github.com/berthubert/googerteller
- Google's policies around using external code
- The whirlpool currently taking place at Twitter
Also, we discovered an interesting statistic in the call tonight.
100% of technology enthusiasts have at least one Raspberry Pi, but only 25% of technology enthusiasts use them for anything. (it's @taigrr)
Anyone know of a tool that will crawl a website, run JavaScript, and then save the resulting DOM as HTML?
I tried Wpull, but I can't get it to stop crashing on startup and development seems to have stopped.
I'm sure there's a joke to be made about Python here.
Unix time 1666666666 in ~10 minutes. https://time.is/Unix_time
Sorry gents, I forgot to post the notes. Remember how I said I was going to bed? Yeah... Some things we talked about this week:
- URIs, URLs, and URNs
- Sketchy SEO companies and Web spam
- Improvements to the search engine
- Goryon debugging
Great chat with @ocdtrekkie, @darch, and @prologic.
Some things we talked about this fine evening:
How many forks deep is this Bitcoin conversation?
As @movq said:
Step 1, someone builds something which doesn’t support a “reply” feature at all. Step 2, the thing grows, now people want “reply”. Step 3, it gets confusing with all the linear replies and now people want “full threading”. That’s also basically what happened to twtxt/yarn. Maybe, over time, everything evolves into Usenet.
@prologic, step 3 when? :)
I ducked out early this week, but it was a good chat with @prologic and @ocdtrekkie. Some things we talked about:
- The twtxt specification rewrite I'm working on
- @ocdtrekkie's work on tube
- Electron *shudder*
- JSON Feeds
- GitHub forking mysteries
I just typed out a message here on Yarn, undid a few things with ctrl+z, and then tried to redo something with the vi redo key combination. That means it's time to go to bed.
Testing something... @https://example.com/~foo/twtxt.txt
A nice chat tonight with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, and @darch. Some things we talked about:
- Markdown isn't rendered to HTML in Atom feeds (#989)
- A look at @darch's branch to replace Pico.css with Simple.css
- 100 monthly active users on yarn.social
- Sandstorm proxy authentication for yarnd (Allows one set of credentials across programs hosted on Sandstorm)
- Sandstorm support for Tube (#26)
- Future improvements to Sandstorm
Bringing Back a Useful Browser Feature With a Bookmarklet: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220922.html
(foo bar baz) @prologic But it doesn't give us a /conv/ page because 'foo bar baz' is obviously an invalid hash. Let me try something.
A very insightful chat tonight with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, @darch, and @ocdtrekkie's friend Ian who is, presumably, still primarily using legacy social networks. Hopefully we can change that. Some things we talked about tonight:
- The rationale behind GoNix
- @darch's thoughts on social networking (https://blog.neotxt.dk/)
- Bringing people on to free platforms
- Bot prevention on Yarn.social (#981)
- Funding for Yarn.social
- Goryon, material design, and satanism
Recent updates to LibWeb have fixed the icons on the Yarn web client in Ladybird and the SerenityOS browser! Unfortunately, it still isn't possible to post using LibWeb browsers but we'll get there. :^)
For comparison, here's a screenshot from 2022-07-22:
Nice little chat tonight with @ocdtrekkie. @prologic was very selfishly out having fun with his family instead of talking to us internet strangers. Happy birthday, man!
Some things we talked about:
- Video games
- Video games on Linux
- Microsoft Active Directory
- Microsoft ClearType
- Windows' 30 year old spaghetti code leading to dialog boxes like this
@prologic I was just finished writing the issue on yarnsocial/yarn for discussing outreach efforts for twtxt integration elsewhere, but I accidentally clicked a link and lost the entire thing.
I was thinking, though, would that type of discussion be better suited to its own repository? That way, we could have one issue per service.
Could someone do me a favor and send a bug report in to Gitea? I made an account on GitHub for the purpose but they "flagged" my account, whatever that means, and then my support request about it went to /dev/null. I made the bug report, but it isn't visible unless you're logged in to my account.
It would be awfully nice if they would eat their own dog food, because I've never had a problem signing up to a Gitea instance. I uploaded my bug report here. They have a form system, so you'll have to copy and paste the text into the fields. I didn't fill in any of the fields that aren't listed.
Very enjoyable hour-long Sandstorm ad segment this week with @ocdtrekkie and @prologic. ;)
Some things we talked about:
- Insights on having children
- .NET development
- Features and approaches of different self-hosting platforms
- The future of GoNix
- Making a self-hosting platform "just work"
Another great chat this week with @prologic. Some things we talked about:
- Porting Syslinux to Go for GoNix
- My shell script that generates an HTML time zone conversion table using information from a simple CSV file
- The ubiquity of
despite not being part of POSIX - Spam prevention on Yarn pods
- Subreply, another alternative microblogging service
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This is a weird request, but does anyone have something for me to encode with FFmpeg? The more complicated the project, the better. I am trying to improve my skills and I learn best with real-world use.
Great meeting after a two week break with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, and retrocrash who has (hopefully temporarily) disappeared from Yarnspace. A small sampling of what we talked about:
I was able to log in to Yarn.social using Ladybird, but I couldn't post. I was focusing the text box, but I couldn't type in there. With JavaScript disabled the post button worked, but it failed because there was nothing to post.
Three Things That Made Me Smile Recently: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220715.html
Great chat tonight with @prologic and @ocdtrekkie. Some things we talked about:
- @ocdtrekkie's new Craigslist pickups
- Kubernetes woes
- The SourceHut-Go-Google-DDoS situation (blog post)
- @prologic's GoNix project (#cy4gccq) (#spaxqka) (#eqxx4nq)
- @ocdtrekkie's in-car computer system
- DNS level ad/tracker blocking
- Corporate computer "security" policies
- Adding a captcha to the registration form of Yarn pods (issue #962) (#vqxz62q)
# # # #::::::
# # # #::::::
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I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y # # # # # # #
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# # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
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Great conversation with @ocdtrekkie tonight. Some things we talked about:
- Goryon being taken off the Google Play Store
- The woes of uppercase ls and Iowercase Ls
- De-Googling Android
- The Google Glass and how it forced you into the walled garden
- iOS and privacy
- Privacy legislation and the extent to which people know about the spying
- Creepy Amazon stores
- The new issue of Lab6 (https://lab6.com/3)
I think this is the first time I've seen Yarn.social mentioned in the wild. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31789501
Meeting notes for tonight. Definitely an interesting talk tonight with @prologic and @ocdtrekkie. I think Yarn.social might have come up once or twice. :)
- ISP shenanigans, including
Defining a Favicon for a Bookmarklet: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220611.html
A great chat after a couple of weeks off tonight with @prologic, @lyse, and @mearaj. Some things we talked about:
- Making Goryon available on F-Droid yarnsocial/app #132
- COVID measures, including working from home
- The garbage being churned out by the software industry
- Domain name choices ;)
- The state of Salty IM, specifically the app
Is the weekly video call on for tomorrow? I missed it last week.
An Acceptable Use for JavaScript: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220602.html
@prologic @darch I was in the #4ab7fcq conversation sending that reply to you and I got the "Bad Request" error we were talking about.
I pressed the back button on my browser, because I was at https://twtxt.net/post instead of the conversation page. My message was still in the reply box. I copied the text to the clipboard, pressed Ctrl+Shift+R (to reload with a clear cache), and tried to send the message again. Same error. I went to my timeline at the root of the pod, clicked "Reply" on your twt, pasted the message in, and it worked as normal. I'm using LibreWolf 100.0.2, which should be analogous to Firefox 100.0.2
It's been a slow couple of days here in Yarnspace. What's everyone up to?
Great chat today on the weekly video call. We stayed mostly on topic, too!
Some things we talked about, for anyone who missed it. I hope nobody minds that I'm sharing.
Just encountered feeds.twtxt.net when looking at random sites on Marginalia Search.
Cross-Browser Deviation Annoyance of the Day: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220507.html
Just a short one today. I was going to add it on to yesterday's but I didn't want to make it longer. cc @prologic
Watching Online Videos Like a Pro Using Free Software: https://mckinley.cc/blog/20220506.html
@prologic, I think it's about time I try out Salty. I followed from the instructions on the website, and it didn't go too well. I suspect it's because the local path from my JSON file (/01G268YYHWGNYT9M1M9760KP83
) on mckinley.cc doesn't return anything because I don't have a broker set up there.
I seem to have registered mckinley@mills.io when experimenting with it, but I didn't know until recently because of a very confusing output. That account does exist, though, because it shows up when using salty-chat lookup
TL;DR: I want to try Salty. I'm very confused. Would you mind if I use your broker for now? Is there a way to do that and still be mckinley@mckinley.cc? If not, could you delete mckinley@mills.io so I can register it again? That private key is long gone.
@thecanine Re: Odysee; I found a self-hosted frontend for Odysee that doesn't track you. It's like Invidious, but for Odysee instead. https://codeberg.org/librarian/librarian
What news aggregators do you all use? I am looking for one that has no integrated web engine and an easy way to open an entry in a Web browser or in mpv. I don't want to have to choose one or the other.
I keep getting Cloudflared when connecting via Tor. :/ Creating a new circuit fixes it for a while, though.
@prologic It pains me to see a beautiful free software project like this collaborate using Google Meet. I can't attend the meeting, but would you like to use my Mumble server? There's no video, but there is high quality, low latency audio.
My good trackball will only scroll in one direction. Took it apart, blasted it with air, nothing. There was some corrosion on a few components near the scroll sensor, I must have spilled some water on it at some point. I'm trying to get used to a regular mouse again. I think I'm worse with my old Logitech G502 now than I was with my trackball when I first got it.
What are the odds I can get Kensington support to send me a new logic board?
Does anyone know of some kind of plaintext file format to store metadata on a collection of other files? My documents folder has outgrown the directory hierarchy and I would like to eliminate the hierarchy entirely, storing metadata on everything in one human and machine readable file.
@prologic I think you changed a pod setting so external links would change to /linkVerify. I should be able to stop this with the "Link Verification" option in Settings, right? I even tried clearing cookies and logging back in and the option is definitely disabled for my account but the links are still changed.
Hey @eldersnake, are you still self-hosting your Git repositories? My repository archival script has been unable to pull from git.andrewjvpowell.com for some time and https://git.andrewjvpowell.com/ shows an nginx 502 error.
Hello from NomadBSD. I'm very impressed with this system. It's much more polished than I would ever expect a BSD to be. It has a huge library of software preinstalled, covering just about everything I do personally. It even has programs you wouldn't expect to be there by default like mpv, KeePassXC, mupdf, and qpdf. Firefox even comes with uBlock Origin preinstalled!
Ah yes, [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected], my favorite Salty user. What is the actual goal of Cloudflare MITMing everyone to censor websites? If the owner of a website chooses to publish an email address, why can't he? If it gets scraped by bots and the inbox gets ruined forever, that's on him. Is it just to get people used to this sort of "voluntary" MITM attack? I put "voluntary" in quotes because I, the victim of this MITM attack, didn't volunteer, the owner of the website did.
There are too many threads going, I can't keep up. Can someone catch me up on what's been going on here since last night?
@prologic Re: Chat system, What if the base specification included a system for per-user arbitrary JSON storage on the server? Kind of like XEP-0049, but expanded upon. Two kinds of objects: public and private. Public objects can be queried by anyone, private objects cannot and must be encrypted with the user's private key. Public keys could be stored there, as well as anything else defined by extensions. Roster, user block list, avatar, etc.
Apparently Google is thinking about freezing their version number at 99 and putting the "real" 3 digit version in the minor version slot in their version numbering scheme. Why might they do this? You guessed it! User agent parsers! The History of the browser user-agent string will definitely have to be updated if this ends up happening.
@deebs Watch out for websites reviewing VPNs because many of them are owned by the same companies that operate the VPN services. I use Mullvad and I've heard good things about iVPN. They're very similar. Both have Australian servers. Neither of them require any personal information. Both accept cryptocurrency. Both claim they don't keep logs. Both have GPLv3 official clients but support standard OpenVPN or Wireguard clients. Both also support port forwarding. Mullvad is a bit cheaper unless you pay for long-term service with iVPN's standard plan.
Hello all, I haven't been here in a while. What's going on?
And yes, you can argue that there are legal and moral reasons to use a privacy coin. But these coins are running up against the same problem as encryption and other technologies to protect privacy: They can’t allow for dissidents, activists, and people from marginalized communities to stay safe without also sheltering criminals and purveyors of hate.
https://slate.com/technology/2021/11/monero-privacy-coin-racists-cybercriminals.html https://slate.com/technology/2021/11/monero-privacy-coin-racists-cybercriminals.html
They're all just data collection companies with an apparently legitimate service attached, but this one takes the cake. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-11-09/column-trader-joes-parking-app
@eldersnake The landing page for loveprivacy.club is awesome, nice CSS border trick there for the banner.
This weekend, I'm setting up a private XMPP server for a small group of people. They will insist on connecting using tracking devices, so I'm looking for clients on both Android and iOS. Conversations on Android and SiskinIM on iOS seem like they would be a good fit. Both are under GPLv3, both support OMEMO, etc. Do any of you gentlemen have experience with those clients? Please tell me what you think of them, or if I would be better off recommending something else. Thank you.
I managed to make a template for pp
that produces an HTML list of twts for a given twtxt file, similar to the way I have it on my website. It even turns HTTP URLs into hyperlinks. It definitely needs some work, but I think I've reached the limit of POSIX sh. I don't know of any way to compare dates or change the format of a timestamp without GNU date
. rev
isn't a POSIX utility either so I can't have reverse chronological order without doing some awk
sorcery or something.
Do you guys keep bookmarks to various sites? If so, how do you manage them?
@maya you're on the front page of Hacker News right now https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28619684
Test post from Tor with JavaScript disabled. A lot of small features of the Web client rely on JS, but let's see if I can at least log in and post.
I wonder if one could make a vanity (v3) onion address generator that, instead of looking for a small set of user-defined prefixes, looked for a prefix based on three or four short dictionary words from a long list instead. You would be able to have a prefix that's easily recognizable by users to make sure they're at the right address but it would still be very difficult for someone to brute force an address with the same prefix.
Hey, here's a cool graph for you. Daily bandwidth usage for http://mckinley.cc/
@prologic I'm sorry about what's going on in Australia. It seems like the "COVID restrictions" are getting worse every day. How are things on the ground?
I'm doing my best right now to resist the urge to start an online magazine like https://www.lab6.com/ because I know it will never get a second issue.
Hey @prologic, I think feeds are being removed from my following list. I've certainly followed more than seven people, because I click "follow" on almost everyone involved in conversations here. Users I am very sure that I have followed here include @xjix and my main feed on mckinley.cc which I just followed for the third time. I am fairly sure I've followed @lazarus and @jlj as well.
Hello, @mckinley here. I hope it isn't confusing for me to maintain two feeds. I made this feed to more easily interact with the twt.social community, leaving the one on my website as a regular microblog.