I'm closing down neotxt.dk as a yarn pod. It will instead offer hosting of timeline or what ever other php stuff you want to run. To get started send me a poem to poem@neotxt.dk
Admin for neotxt.dk and creator of pixelblog
I'm closing down neotxt.dk as a yarn pod. It will instead offer hosting of timeline or what ever other php stuff you want to run. To get started send me a poem to poem@neotxt.dk
Happy Twixmas everyone (new word I just learned 2 min ago)
I have finally gotten around to implementing a gallery feature to timeline.
There is still some hiccups, like the limited caching is making it difficult to make links back to older posts not working. Maybe @eapl.me you can help me with that?
Uploaded some photos from my recent trip to Iceland and New York doing an artist residency coding shaders: http://darch.dk/fotos/
Make a prototype for #Lists for twtxt/yarn on: http://darch.dk/twtxt-lists
It is based on twtxt-php by @eapl.mx, which is based on my own phpub2twtxt
Good read of on the perspective of decentralize social form the common folks: https://werd.io/2023/this-moment-isnt-about-decentralization
@prologic something for you?
Are #apple #macos users here who would want to test one of the submissions to the #game jam for #blind gamers? It’s the only one that didn’t get any ratings yet, and that’s just sad to see. It looks like a pretty nice blind-friendly 3D stealth system: https://itch.io/jam/games-for-blind-gamers-2/rate/2043905
Working on improving how the External feeds under /feeds looks: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/commits/branch/feed-list
The idea is to use the design for /following and /followers too and use it for a base for other lists down the line.
An idea for helping humans and machines understand when a twtxt-feed are using some of the yarn.social extensions by applying a mix of a hash-bang and a DTD to the first line of the txt-file:
#! DOCTYPE = twtxt (https://twtxt.readthedocs.io) with extension for multi-line and conversation treading from Yarn.social (https://dev.twtxt.net)
It would be nice if the link to the extension could be to dev.yarn.social
, docs.yarn.social
or similar instead of dev.twtxt.net
to make it less confusing.
Finally gotten around to making a twtxt extention for for the Yellow CMS by Datenstrom
It is live on http://darch.dk/social and can be download from github
@prologic something have been broken with links to external feeds for a long time. Clicking the mention of @dfaria@dfaria.eu
in Phi's post directs to this nonsense URL:
Live stream DJs and visuals from Copenhagen (now till 19) at https://www.twitch.tv/fukk_live
What is going one here?
I have note muted this tread, but i have also not turned on ActivityPub feature on my pod, so suspect that is part of the issue, since the root is from Mastodon:
Other see multiple posts from @kevin? I guess it might have something to do with the 3 different url =
field in his twtxt file
Webdesign gone wrong: http://www.gerd-neugebauer.de/software/TeX/BibTool/
This is one simple way of making #filters work: FeedLand's feed list is also a feed reader. - YouTube
Could feeds.twtxt.net be setup to send Webmention to the original site when replying to a post?
Water: 6.9 C // Air: 7.1 C // Doesn't really feel like winter
Mockup for redesign of the profile page https://wireframe.cc/XvxNVE
doing here? I made a mockup for how #<Lists https://neotxt.dk/search?tag=Lists> could work: http://darch.dk/yarn/lists-mockup-01.html
Vote/opinion: which is the preferred or correct render of block quotes - yarnd or the yarn app?
I would have expected it to look like it does in the app when I wrote the posts, but yarnd collapsed it allo into one blockquoute, which intrired to fix by adding (...)
Is this a problem with the markdown parser not being the same used in the app and in yarnd?
New nicer looking filters with icons now online at http://neotxt.dk along with a new PR #1081
This seem to mostly apply to yarnSocial as well: How Mastodon is different (than twitter)
Mastodon is Email? – Email is good. and the same goes for twtxt+yarn
When I try to explain yarn.social to others i also tell them that's like email, but not sure many people get it.
What are your experience with getting others on board to yarn and twtxt?
@hashrock how do I setup and start using https://github.com/anydown/kanbandown when I don't know yarn.js (not be confused with yard/twtxt;)
@prologic something for you?
Vojtux, a Fedora project, is an unofficial Linux distribution aimed at visually impaired users.
Just came accross the #<storyofthehashtag https://neotxt.dk/search?tag=storyofthehashtag> at: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/09/how-chris-messina-got-twitter-to-use-the-hashtag.html
So right now we don't see an lot of use af #<tags https://neotxt.dk/search?tag=tags> here on yarn/twtxt. I believe it's because it not very useful atm. You can put in hashtags in your post, but there are no way of discovering other tags or see posts and treads with a tag.
I like what Scuttlebutt do, when they turn the hashtags (back) into channels:
And with the new search #<comingsoon https://neotxt.dk/search?tag=comingsoon> I believe we can have something similar
@prologic could this be something to consider for yarn? https://jlelse.blog/micro/2022/10/goblog-editor-sync
I've started working on the UI/UX of Yarn Search
But I would agree with @quark that the fuzzy search is a bit too fuzzy when darch
gives hits likes March
Interesting take on hashing. Maybe this approach can open up for allowing editing of twtxt posts without breaking the back-linking: https://matt-rickard.ghost.io/perceptual-hashing
This is a cool way of adding commenting or a guestbook options to a webpage - if it is hosted on github, that is: https://garrit.xyz/posts/2022-10-05-simple-guestbook
@prologic I made a new PR (#998) that I hope will fix the issues you have pointed out:
But the "(...) pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch."
Idea for new purple(ish) color scheme for yarn.social's visual identity base on the html/css colors named SlateBlue
and SeaGreen
I have been hacking away on replacing the PicoCSS with Simple.css, since it offer a much manageable set of color variables that can ease the work of making your own team a whole lot.
I have gotten to a place now with some sane default colors, so you are welcome to take it for a spin from: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/branch/theme_simpleCSS
There are still some issues with the mobile menu and some side-effects of using headers in places it should not have been used in the first place.
Please let me know if this is something that you see worthy of being merged into main and what you like or dislike about it as it stands now.
@prologic I'm trying to set up a new branch for replacing pico.css with simple.css but then i get this error when trying to build/make:
Checking Go version ... [ ERR ]
Go 1.16+ is required, found go1.19.1
FATAL: 🙁 preflight failed
make: *** [preflight] Error 1
Go_A — SHUM | Midsommar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rscMgutgwf8
@prologic How would I go about adding a new element to the template-folder within a theme?
I want to make a topnav like i created on blog.neotxt.dk but would like to put it in a sepearet file topnav.html
and not within /template/base.html
or partials.html
Can I just add a {{ define "topbar" }}
in topnav.html
or do I need to do something special for yard to pick it up?
@prologic can we make it an poderator or user option to show/hide the `` again?
(Channal1) hmm something seem broken with yarn.social here...
Goodbye Facebook. Hello Decentralized Social Media? https://archive.org/details/goodbye-facebook-hello-decentralized-social-media
Pruned the cach at cloudflare and re-minified the yarn.min.js file seemed to do the trick. But now i get the "bad request" error again when i try to post via https://neotxt.dk/conv/qwpx7la to
Adding bookmark and avatar to my pods top-nav (but i can't upload images...)
So I created a new issue on the matter of Multi-level navigations for making space for Lists and better UX #954 with a little quick mock-up of where I would like to see the various nav-elements:
How to upgrade yarn.social running as a vultr app:
systemctl stop yarnd.service
cd /usr/bin/local
cp yarnd yarnd_old
chmod +x yarnd
Why do I get Bad request
when I try to reply to posts/yarn-treads?
Like this one: https://neotxt.dk/conv/jp2bwta
@ullarah and @prologic Here are my ideas for a datamodel and UI for lists aka categorisation of feeds/users: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/issues/937#issuecomment-11967
@prologic What time of day/night is our next video call? I got some cents to add to your discussion on the list-feature aka Categorisation of feeds/users https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/issues/937#issuecomment-11846
@prx sure. My "band" hangs out on algorave.dk and a good friend in a jazz thing called kalaiido
I looks okay on my laptop, but on my phone I looks like the JS i not loaded. Can you post a screenshot?
So anyone else up for doing a Easter hackaton this week(end)?
I would really like to work on Lists and other UI features. I got lots of ideas, but need help implementing them.
I imagine that we set up some video calls from Thursday till Monday (all holidays here in Denmark at least) and see what we can hack together:D
@prologic is there a way to turn off the whitelist feature for images?
Idea for events in the twtxt/yarnverse: 0. Just use gath.io as it is, and share the event link via twtxt
or darch.dk/twtx.txt
) to be able to comment on the events, so gath.io knows about your feed@prologic and @mutefall and others. Is there somewhere I can adjust the update freq on my new pod? It seem to be very much behind twtxt.net. Like I can see the mention @mckinley in https://twtxt.net/twt/s7qszka on my own pod yet.