When washing the dishes at the scouts I cut my hand open on the ladle. That piece of shit has a terrible burr.
When washing the dishes at the scouts I cut my hand open on the ladle. That piece of shit has a terrible burr.
Boah, jetzt mal ernsthaft, was ist denn das für ein Dialog bittesehr!?
Wer hat sich zu dieser Meldung diese Knopfauswahl überlegt und dann auch noch die Icons dazu ausgedacht? Und warum hat's das Zertifikat überhaupt schon wieder zerlegt? Und wieso kommt der Dialog direkt wieder in ner Endlosschleife hoch, wenn ich abbreche? Komplettversagen nach Strich und Faden an allen Enden. Allen. Grrr, so viel Hass! Ich schalt besser die Büchse aus.
Hahahaha, this is brilliant! :'-D https://denmarkification.com/
I should really fix my calender rendering. A two day event only pops up in the first day, but not in the second. When extended to three days, it correctly shows up in all three days. Meh.
I'm not a huge fan of docker. Sorry for the poor screen grab quality, but this is the funniest analogy for "no docker" vs "docker" I've come across: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/no-docker-vs-docker-analogy.png :-D
My hike today started off with a nice great spotted woodpecker right after the town sign. The -1°C didn't feel all that cold in the sun. Even on the flat, I had to open my jacket with the sun on my back. The biotope got dug over, that's now looking really sad. And they also fell a few large chestnuts. Surprisingly, there was actually snow on the mountain. Not much, maybe around three centimeters at most. It was melting and falling down the trees, which looked really cool. I enjoyed it a lot: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-02-04/
That was a super interesting talk, I can recommend it: https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-microbes-vs-mars-a-hacker-s-guide-to-finding-alien-life
Even after fixing yesterday's mail server TLS certificate renewal incident (main hostname was not included) my KMail did not want to receive e-mails anymore. I had to restart Akonadi now in order to make this work again. I really should look at mutt one day.
That's a cool comparision of an obstacle run with a knight, fire fighter and soldier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzI1UvlQqw
I just saw this heron fly by my window, so I investigated: https://lyse.isobeef.org/graureiher-2025-01-25/
I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.
Clouds are hiding the planets right now, but the sky was slightly on fire before: https://lyse.isobeef.org/abendhimmel-2025-01-20/
This is an absolutely amazing talk about fixing a satellite in space. Totally worth watching, highly recommended. Super great engineering! I'm blown away, this is sooooo cool! https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-hacking-yourself-a-satellite-recovering-beesat-1
Another infrastructure apocalypse day at work. Linux and Windows users were unable to reach M$ services. No Outlook, no Teams, no intranet (Sharepoint), no Azure, etc. Mac users were lucky, though. Took whoever the whole day to resolve that. Shortly before I called it quits, it worked again. I haven't read any e-mail today, used Teams mostly on the company phone, but it's the plague.
And as I've forseen the other day, we have to deliver yet another workaround hotfix, once the other team eventually gets their stuff integrated that we should rely on. Good riddance it's the weekend now!
I'm refactoring (mangling four lines of of code with assignments into one function call) and man, do I love vim macros! <3 Such a bloody amazing invention. Saves me heaps of manual labor.
Walking those few hundred meters to the dentist and home took me at least three times as long as usual. Complete sheets of ice on the footpaths, definitely ice skating territory. The dentist was caught in a traffic jam and arrived about an hour late. On my morning journey I saw two ambulance operations, one on the way there and the other one when I returned. Just 200m apart. I fear it's going to be an exhausting day for all the rescue personell.
That's a well done mapping of computer time scale to human time scale: https://youtu.be/PpaQrzoDW2I Matt Godbolt is also a guy that I just enjoy listening to.
Heck yeah, that's really cool! Let's hope for a clear sky: "On the evening of 28 February 2025, all seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment." https://www.sciencealert.com/a-rare-alignment-of-7-planets-is-about-to-take-place-in-the-sky
After I stripped off my clothes and turned around, I came to the conclusion that the plan to shower was cancelled at this moment. The faucet had broken right off and was laying in the tub. I noticed that the diameters of the hot and cold water pipes were surprisingly small, didn't expect that. Since the pipes were broken flush with the wall, I couldn't even determine if I had to remove the inner our outer threads, well, remains thereof, in order to attempt to repair this mess. Luckily, I was going to see a plumber mate at the christmas tree collection later anyway.
The first thing that came to mind when I woke up was that I didn't catch the logical flaw in my dream: absolutely no water was coming out of the burst pipes. The whole scenario took place in summer, so the water couldn't be frozen either.
Hmm, I just noticed that the feed template seems to be broken on your yarnd instance, @kat. Looking at your raw feed file (and your mates as well), line 6 reads:
# This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod yarn running yarnd ERSION@OMMIT go1.23.4
Looks like the first letters of the version and commit got somehow chopped off. I've no idea what happened here, maybe @prologic knows something. :-? I'm not familiar with the templating, I just recall @xuu reporting in IRC the other day that he's also having great fun with his custom preamble from time to time.
That "broken" comment doesn't hurt anything, it's still a proper comment and hence ignored by clients. It's just odd, that's all.
An hour later and I have glued together a new batch of cardbord boxes. I've cut out the blanks several days ago, though. Easy upcycling project:
My shoulder muscles are sore from yesterday's overhead concrete drilling. I even totalled a good drill bit. The workshop air cleaner is now installed on the ceiling. I even can plug in the shop vac directly above its usual location without having to walk over (or usually on) the cord on the ground. The shop vac hose crane had to be shortened 9cm in length in order to fit underneath the air cleaner.
I received a tad over four hundred e-mails during my three and a half weeks vacation. That's actually really good, I expected way more. It just would have been nice if some bot e-mail addresses hadn't changed and hence slipped through my sorting filter rules in the first place.
Meh, I hit an import cycle while writing tests. Now I have to relocate some code. What do we conclude from that: don't write tests. ;-)
Couldn't find anybody to join me this arvo, so I went alone. Only in the forest I began to see real snow. And then of course with each meter of elevation gain. I reckon there were 5-6 cm at the summit, so there is still room for improvement. The weather was absolutely stunning, a sunny blue sky alternating with clouds, most of my hike hardly any wind and 1°C. Climbing the mountain was a different story, the wind hit me hard.
I just love the wind-brushed formations of ice on the twigs and branches. They look soooo incredibly cool. It was kinda hard to capture them on film with the wind pushing everything around.
On the way down I took the narrow and currently fairly slippery path that was closed for some weeks due to felling activity. It looks so different with heaps of trees on the ground now. They've also sawn down the tree with the small hole near the ground (which I think I've shown a few times in the past). The beech in 52 to 54 was probably hit by lightning a few months ago. At least it's completely charred.
Rode my bicycle into town. What the hell is wrong with some of these motorists!? Here in right lane traffic land, a car reversed out of the driveway on the left into the road and nearly hit me. And this happened twice! If you don't fucking see, how about you go slowly and not just hope that nobody is coming!? The first one even decided to honk at me. SUV drivers confirming prejudice…
Well, at least I could help a lady with transfering her child in a pram.
Once again I glimpsed at my twtxt feed access log. Now I'm wondering: is there a twtxt client named xt
out there? Does anyone know? I did not find anything for "xt/0.0.1".
It was supposed to start raining this afternoon, but a rain cloud hit us in the morning just when we approached the foot of our backyard mountain. With the dark sky above us and wind speed picking up, we decided to take the next turn and head back. Luckily, the rain didn't last long, so we paid the tadpole pond a visit to prolong our stroll. My mate told me that it was frozen a few days ago, but there was not much of the icy cover left today. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-01-02/
We had a faint yellow-orange-redish sky this evening. Only subtle, but it was actually one of those rare 360° sunsets. Just when I thought, that was it, it's now over, the colors took off like crazy: https://lyse.isobeef.org/abendhimmel-2025-01-01/
A much nicer start into the year than all the hell yesterday. However, just as I type this, there come also the next round of explosions as darkness falls. Those bloody fuckers, please blow yourselves up!
It must already be New Year here. Full continuous fire for ten minutes.
3°C today, it was quite nice in the sun. A lot of hunting and tree felling going on in the forest. And we met the heron again, that was very cool: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-12-28/
And now some stupid fuckwits are burning firecrackers again. Very annoying. Can we please ban this shit once and forever!?
We both first thought there is an old helium balloon in the meadow downhill next to the narrow path. However, it was actually a heron against the light. Bloody cool! We passed it at just four meters distance, it didn't even care about us. I definitely broke my last record from the day after yesterday. Heck, yeah!
I finally watched "C++17: I See a Monad in Your Future" and it was rather nice (at least in 1.8 times speed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFnhhPehpKw I finally also learned why the auto
syntax exists (to allow specifying a return type that depends on the argument).
I saw a paraglider after sunset. Must have been super cold up there in the sky, we just had 1-2°C on the ground. And I passed a heron at just 5-6 meters distance. I think that's a new record low. The sunset itself wasn't all that shabby either. Hence, a very good stroll.
In case somebody needs a calculator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0pJST5mL3A
Moin @arne, herzlich willkommen! Ich bin gerade auf https://uplegger.eu/blog/popelfinger gestoßen und war sofort sehr begeistert. :-D Mal sehen, ob ich die anderen an einem der Feiertage davon überzeugt bekomme, das mal auszuprobieren. :-)
No, of course not. This is the gingerbread in the oven with my digicam's sunset program. The second photo shows the colors more like they are in reality. It surprises me every year how absolutely sticky this dough is. Holy cow! Close to impossible to spread it evenly in the baking tray. https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/lebkuchen-2024-12-20/
In the short horizontal rain stroll a few minutes ago I noticed that my rain trousers leak around the right knee.
This is a very nice article from 20 years ago, probably still valid: The Command Line – The Best Newbie Interface? https://www.osnews.com/story/6282/the-command-line-the-best-newbie-interface/
It was a nice sunny arvo: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-12-18/
♬ In der Weihnachtsbäckerei ♪ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFZqDcFU4Ow)!
Despite being a gray day, I still decided to have a longer lunch break and went for a stroll in the woods: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-12-12/ Just returned in time for the next meeting.
Finally, the message rendering in my tt
Go rewrite produces some colors. There is definitely a lot more tweaking necessary. But this is a first step in the right direction.
Haha, I never ran across this before: http://www.wtfpl.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/wtfpl-strip.jpg
LOOOOL, great programming tutorial music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yup8gIXxWDU
Fuck me dead, what a giant piece of shit. On my Linux work laptop I have the problem that some unknown snakeoil "security" junk is dropping any IPv4 connections to ports 80 and 443. All other ports and IPv6 seem unaffected. I get an immediate "connection refused" when trying to estabslish a connection.
I had this problem four weeks ago on Friday morning the very first time at home. On Thursday evening, everything was perfectly fine. Eventually, I plugged in the LAN cable in the office and everything got automatically fixed. Nobody can explain what's happening.
Then, last week Friday morning out of the blue, the same issue was back. So, I went to the office yesterday and it got fixed again by plugging in the network cable. This evening, I have exactly the same bloody problem again.
What the hell is going on? Does anyone have any ideas? I'm certainly not an expert, but I don't see anything suspicious in iptables or nft rules. I also do not see anything showing up in /var/log/kern.log. Even tried to stop firewalld, flush the iptables and nft rules, but that didn't result in any changes.
I had to go to the office today and both train rides worked out just fine. Surprising!
I'm very glad that I decided to have a very long lunch break today. When I reached the summit, dark clouds came from the northwest and the sun was gone for the day. But on the way there I was delighted about all the beautifully blazing colors around me. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-11-25/
That's very interesting. This dude runs everything at this airport. https://youtu.be/c1wkx1V1qHY
WTF, it's getting warmer tonight than it was during the day. O_o
We had 5cm snow at our scout yard at 10 o'clock. But it was nearly fully gone when we called it quits after sunset.
In May we charred cloth to be used as tinder. A fire steel and some wood shavings lit the fire in under a minute. Maybe half. That was good fun. I reckon I have to replenish the charred cloth soon, though. It's crazy how great that works. I'm absolutely amazed.
We cut back the thorny brushes for hours and eventually winched out some heavy fallen trees. That was really cool to see this powerful winch in action. Absolutely effortless. It was also a complete one man show. We couldn't do anything and just watch. There is no chance that we could have moved the tree trunks up the steep hill with just man power. Well, a few dozen people might have made it with great struggle.
Next time we have to cut them into smaller pieces and split them into firewood or keep some for contruction. I will see whether I can safe some to cut some boards from. A sawmill would be really cool to have. :-)
@mckinley Regarding https://mckinley.cc/notes/20241120-css3-announcement.xhtml, I'm wondering why you support viewing your website on a printer? :-)
Time to rotate three months into archive feeds again.
Got an advertising handout in the letterbox that a pizzeria will offer and also deliver brick-oven-baked pizza starting 1st April.
Taking photos from a moving car is a tough challenge. https://lyse.isobeef.org/abendheimfahrt-2024-11-16/
I built another small shelf for the drill press. I upcycled the wooden sticks from New Year rockets that littered the neighborhood. I really love the rustic look of it: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/tischbohrmaschinenregal/
When I glued the shelf between the posts of the stand, I tightened the long clamp too hard, ripping the back panel and shelf board apart. So, I had to reglue them. :-)
Hey @eapl.me, your feed is broken. All U+2028 got transformed into newlines.
Went on a really cool walk today after the sun came out this arvo. Just 11°C and a fair bit of wind required a scarf and beanie. I love the autumn colors a lot and never tire of looking at them.
On the summit the view was absolutely terrible, because there were super low hanging clouds. But it still looked fairly spectacular. Very surreal, I could not make out the edge of the Swabian Alb. The haze just blended with the rest of the sky. Towards the sun it was just one giant white wall after half a kilometer or so. That doesn't happen all that often here.
After dusk I saw five deer on a meadow. Well their outlines against the remaining backlit sky.
I dripped some whipped cream from the lid on the stove. When I licked it up I pulled my hair through the cream on my cake. :-D
I'm a bit late to game this time, but I just went through my photos from last week. Leaves are definitely changing colors. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-10-24/
I attempted to build a small try-square, but my metal working skills totally suck. I tried to flatten the metal blade with a file, but I didn't reach my own goal. It's not perfectly straight. The square is almost 90°, it shifted a wee bit when drilling the holes for the pins. Also, the blade is 0.1mm off of being parallel. I have to try again or simply just buy one.
Christmas trees in the shop: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/tannenbaeume.jpg
That harp (or whatever you wanna call this instrument) playing is very fascinating to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=564u39PJfUI
Haha, 13 years later I got the response that my reported bug in GNAT (GNU Ada compiler) had been fixed a long time ago: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=50263
Hey @Codebuzz, looks like your second twt has a broken timestamp. :-)
Heck yeah, this is some amazing space porn from ESA! https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2024/10/023/orig-2410_023_AR_EN.mp4
Finally, a sunny day. I jumped at the opportunity and went for a quick evening stroll: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-10-09/
Awesome, "unable to open database file: out of memory (14)" actually means that the SQLite file cannot be created, because the parent directory does not exist. Bonus points for Open(…)
being successful and only executing the first command giving me that error. Meh.
Made the first apple sauce of the season in around three to four hours of work. Pretty cool, very, very little waste. The jars are currently cooking.
Oh boy, I'm looking for trapezoidal (like ACME thread) screws and nuts in left hand form. The rods are already expensive, but nuts feel like a total ripoff. A hex nut for Tr20x2 being 30mm long and 30mm in "diameter" costs me 22 bucks! O_o Just a single one, made of regular steel. A meter of rod is 21€. The more common Tr20x4 hex nut is just 7€ and the rod 17€, but 4mm pitch is a bit much for a leadscrew for semi-precision work I reckon.
Well, maybe I just use metric threads. I will sleep on this.
Yesterday's April weather offered nearly everything. Sun, rain, clouds, wind. Luckily, the rain wasn't too bad, we precautionally brought our rain jackets and took cover under some trees for 5-10 minutes. From then on, it alternated mostly between sunny and cloudy. Perfect conditions for photography.
The 16°C felt pretty cold with all the wind. Especially at the summit for a late lunch. The clouds covered the sun for almost the entire time and the wind blew hard. Being sweaty from the way up didn't help. The sun returned as soon as we packed up.
On the way home, it drizzled just a little bit, although the clouds were really dark. A nice surprise. All in all, we had a really nice hike. As a bonus, my mate established a new train ride record low to get home, despite all the Octoberfest crap going on right now.
From my 395 photos, I only kept 40: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-09-28/ In 18's upper left corner you can see a black beetle similar to what I've seen earlier this week. The one that rolled over its side to change directions, this one didn't, though.
The mushroom in 35 and 36 was enormous, easily 20 centimeters in diameter. We came across a few of them along our journey.
I heard a funny saying today: Democracy is when three foxes and a bunny decide what to have for dinner.
I passed a mountainbiker with a helmet camera in the forst, saw a four centimeter long black beetle that rolled over its side to change directions and finally spotted three deer on the paddock. An hour well spent I reckon.
We're now having a thunderstorm with rain, lightning and thunder and the severe weather map shows all green. I'd expect it to be violet.
I'm experimenting with SQLite and trees. It's going good so far with only my own 439 messages long main feed from a few days ago in the cache. Fetching these 632 rows took 20ms:
Now comes the real tricky part, how do I exclude completely read threads?
It was beautiful in nature: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-09-21/
Yesterday, both temperature and wind picked up. There was even wind in the night, which is rare over here. Today, we also got a lot of sunshine, around 22°C and heaps of wind. The leaves and twigs were blown at the house door, it reminded me of a snow drift, basically a leave bank. I should have taken a photo before I swept it, it looked quite bizarre.
But I photographed something else instead:
My mate and I went out in the woods earlier and we came across 08 which broke off in roughly 6, 7 meters from 09. When it hit the ground, it made a 30 cm deep hole. Quite impressive. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-09-19/
Hmmmm, I somehow run into an encoding problem where my inserted data end up mangled in the database. But, both SQLite and Go use UTF-8. What's happening here? :-?
Cool sunset when I went to the scouts: https://lyse.isobeef.org/abendhimmel-2024-09-13/
20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind.
It was nice to finally hear a few birds singing again, although it was still fairly silent. The sun gave us a nice show. In hindsight, we should have stayed at the summit a bit longer. In the forest, we missed the very best, crazy red sky. We could only see parts shimmering through the tree lines.
I'm finally continuing with my tt
rewrite in Go. So, I thought I use the shiny io/fs.FS
. That's supposed to be a super cool new file system API. It allowed me to write tests more elegantly. I don't have to place actual test files on disk, but can keep everything nicely in RAM with testing/fstest.MapFS
. That actually worked out great, I do like that.
However, os.DirFS("/")
for production code is just a terrible solution. I noted that OS paths and io/fs.FS
paths are fundamentally different. This new API does not allow leading slashes in the passed paths. This results in an error. So, I have to cut the leading slash off myself.
Also, the whole thing is totally useless on Windows, because of the drives. Simply does not work at all. Well, honestly, I don't care the slightest bit about that operating system, but it would be nice if this concept were cross-platform.
I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure relative paths or ~
do also not work. I have to first build absolute paths myself. Unfortunately, there is no builtin helper to translate an OS path into a io/fs.FS
Of course, others noted these shortcomings and surprising results, too: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/44279 There is no OSFileSystem
implementation that would simply allow the easy transition from all the classical os.*
functionality to io/fs.FS
. And they also do not wanna add something like that either. Sigh.
I'm really wondering what they were thinking when introducing this. :-?
Even though, it's very silly, I'm gonna keep using it. At least for now. Tests have been written. I'm not keen on rewriting them. Sigh.
When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn't smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they've been soup horses, chickens were out of stock.
29°C, zero wind, extremely humid, luckily the sun was behind the clouds. I'm soaking wet, sweat ran down in streams and dripped in my eyes, it burned a bit. The sky is getting a little dark, I hope the thunderstorm and rain are really arriving here later. Rain had always been finally cancelled the couple last days.
I'm gotta go cool off my fingers now, they're swollen from the heat.
My honey bread fell on the floor and would you believe which side was down? The clean, not the coated one. Witchcraft!
Suddenly, VLC crashes when I jump forward in videos. It's 100% reproducible. Reboot didn't fix it. Starting on the shell, I see:
Assertion !p->parent->stash_hwaccel failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:649
Turns out, it's this: https://forum.mxlinux.org/viewtopic.php?t=81068 Before I even went online, I assumed that turning off hardware acceleration might help. And it does. Phew!
I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.
On the way there I picked two handful of blackberries in the forest. Delicious!
Today was the second time in my life that I saw a grass snake in the wild. They can easily be recognized by the yellow "ears". Unfortunately, this one was run over. :-( But I jumped at the opportunity to photograph it as it didn't escape in a fraction of a second like my first encounter three years ago. Still, poor fellow. :-(
On the way home, a deer jumped out of the brush in front of me and headed down the forest road before it went back in the other side. As always, that's nice.
I also had to slow down a bunch of times because of frogs or toads on the paths. Not sure which ones, it was already after dark. I guesstimate it must have been 60-70 amphibians in total, maybe more. Some of them did not move to the wayside but rather into the middle of the track, right in front of me. Crazy suicide frogs! There were four reeeeaaaallly close calls. I could just avoid stepping on them after they tried to hop right under my boot. Not a centimeter to spare. No toads were harmed during my trip. Phew!
Once I had to stop completely because of the large activity ahead of me. A larger (about the size of half a palm) individual surrounded my foot and then jumped against my heel. Twice! What the heck!? :-D But suuuper cool experience. I'm very glad I actually went out. Totally worth it. I met so many amazing animals. Don't care about the missed sunset a single bit.
I just learned from a German documentary that there is goldbeating. Never heard of that term before. Super interesting.
It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven't checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn't remember anything on that.
More scenery: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-08-25/
Neither of us has ever seen such a marmelade bun mushroom:
It is really cool to watch this guy building a crossbow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ogGdXTGkM
My mate just said "WTF, there's somehow a wall lizard in the family tree" and I can only agree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezgweVd4a98 Looks like this is the first real evidence of those lizard people. :-D
Transformed four kilograms of blackberries into a bit over three kilograms of blackberry jelly. https://lyse.isobeef.org/brombeergelee-2024-08-19/ The leftover jelly did not fit in prepared canning jars, so I dumped it in a regular drinking glass (which was a mustard glass in its former life): The rest is cooling off on the bench outside.
This is a sick looking pour art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL6tuJXn9Fo
I saw a kestrel on a power pole the other day. It then flew off and attacked another one sitting in a tree:
More peaceful before that: https://lyse.isobeef.org/turmfalke-2024-08-07/
Heck yeah, I already saw three shooting stars in 10 minutes. Perseids are awesome! :-)
Heck yeah, this water bellows is absolutely amazing! <3 https://youtu.be/M6gYhD6_yLI Now, I want to make one, too, even though I do not have a real use case for this. Very rarely do I light a fire. A simple pipe to blow through would be much more mobile for my occasional need. Still, soooo cool! :-)
My wood glue rarely leaves me hanging. But today was that day again. Before lunch, I cut a slat of a slatted frame in half and glued it together. The two banana shapes were facing each other like two parentheses "()". This made it straight.
After 3-4 hours, I unclamped it and handplaned it to its final shape, so it can become the last rung of my "ladder" for the laundry shelf. Yeah, I'm still on that project over half a year later. You can call me a really lazy ass. ;-)
When I was about to round over the long edges with my handplane, the bananas suddenly came apart. Both ends still held, so I had some kind of an "O". The glue had not fully set yet. It was still a tiny bit moist in the inside. I scraped off the leftovers with a chisel. To increase my odds the second time, I roughed up the surfaces with 40 grit sandpaper and a rasp, so that the glue has something to bite into. Didn't do that the first time. I reckon that majorly contributed to the fail, because the boards were fairly smooth, maybe even coated with something, who knows. Any kind of finish is bad for glueing.
Now, I'm also using a few more clamps and let it sit over night. Well, two days in fact, since I cannot bang around tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't finish this frame/ladder today. But maybe on Monday.
Usually, I let wood glue set at least over night, even though a couple of hours should™ suffice I'm told. I will definitely go back to that regular setting period. Especially when mechanical forces are working against me and there is stress in the wood. Never can go wrong with a longer waiting time. I have always had good experience with this in the past. In fact, whenver the wood glue failed on me, it was either removing the clamps too early or a sloppy glueing surface preparation. Or both. ;-)
Wow, time really flies. I just rotated February to May 2024 into archive feeds. So my main twtxt feed now contains only the last three full months and a little bit again.
Paid the forest recreation week a quick visit and checked out their huts they built this week. My camera sucked hard, most photos turned out really crappy. Oh well. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-08-02/