Hi, i'm doesnm. Just human who like opensource and decentralization but not like web. This feed has 148 posts.
Interesting where Goryon saves current logged account? Because if i kill app it will logout me :(. Save i noticed with IndiePass but it logout me in random moment (or maybe same after killed)
curl: (3) URL rejected: Malformed input to a URL function. Writing sender in bash was BAD idea
Finally my (web/txt)mention sender ready. Receiver i'm borrow from sorenpeter's timeline
Test reply for webmention tester!
Hello @movq . Did you fixed jenny bug which causes fetching long ids from yarn instances on feeds like https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt ? I'm asking because i want to store links in brackets on some of my posts and don't want to confuse jenny users
Test twtxt parser (please remind me to delete this)
Breaked my fdroid repo by machinally type rm -rf repo in /var/www/fdroid. Hope it just contain apks and icons and i can recover
Lol, seems yarn do not display metadata on @terron
Interesting: only for me Goryon does not persist account if i force stop him? If i fix this (on my side) maybe i will host yarn
Remembered about one ISP which disallow IRC stuff on his servers. By searching i found what it's many ISP's which equals IRC to proxy and doorways. This is unfair!
Actually better than game console: https://elon.cucked.me/grapplingdev/status/1872013696077308284
Lol, irc.mills.io has expired certificate until 2018 year 0_0
Seems Hallway link in https://indieweb.org/twtxt is broken and redirects to main page. Is it abandoned?
Tried migrating to jenny... So seems it not suitable for my phone. Fetch command fetched archived feeds so i have 37k+ entries and mutt hangs for several seconds for loading this. Also i don't like hardcoded paths for config and follow file
this looks strange in twet xD: blue highlight of @2024-10-09T08:11:00Z(prologic)
Maybe i should sleep more? Noticed about mistake in my follow entry for prologic. Already fixed
Ok, i know how to command working (not sure), but seems it only grab from cache. Maybe make fetch from twtxt.net if hash not found?
should i delete gemini support from twet? iirc in twtxt v2 it starts prohibited. And all of my fields are https
How to read twts without browser? I dont understand context in reply messages
how to parse caddy access log with useragent tool? seems it dont detect anything in json
Finally pubnix is alive! That's im missing? Im only reading twtxt.net timeline because twtxt-v2.sh works slowly for displaying timeline...