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kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Read replies 4 weeks ago

@kat I approve! That's how I learned HTML (version 4 at the time and XHTML shortly after) and making websites, too. Some of them are still made like this to this day. Hand-written HTML. Hardly any <div> and class nonsense. I can't remember with which editor I started out with, but I upgraded to Webweaver (later renamed to Webcraft) quickly. Yeah, this were the times when there was just a single computer for the whole family.

Free hosting on Arcor, Freenet and I don't know anymore how they were all called. Like this author, I uploaded everything via FTP. Oh dear, when was the last time I used that? And I had registered plenty of free .de.vu domains.

Being on Windows at the time, everything was ISO-8859-1 for me. No UTF-8, I don't think I've heard about it back then.

Later, I wrote my own CMSes in PHP. Man, were they bad in retrospect. :-D Of course, MySQL databases were used as backends. I still exactly know the moment I read the first time about SQL injections. I tried it on my own CMS login and was shocked when I could just break in. The very next thing I did was to lock down everything with an .htaccess until I actually fixed my broken PHP code. Hahaha, good memories.

I swear by Atom or RSS feeds. Many of my sites offer them. I daily consume feeds, they're just great.

In reply to: #lotmkpa 4 weeks ago

@lyse wow what a great story! i still use FTP (well, SFTP) all the time lol, just to transfer files between servers quickly. it's super handy!

writing your own CMS sounds kickass omg... mysql the legend

In reply to: #lotmkpa 3 weeks ago

@suitechic it's a great post!

In reply to: #lotmkpa 3 weeks ago

@kat Only scp/rsync for me. :-) But I remember there is one server that only provides SFTP access. :-/

In reply to: #lotmkpa 3 weeks ago
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