Recent posts from feeds followed by eapl@eapl.me
The Thinking Method challenges what we think we know about learning, teaching and languages, and what we think we need to know in order to really learn. | www.languagetransfer.org ⌘ Read more
@andros Nope, unfortunately not. I took a look at Lisp last year (I think I used sbcl), but I haven't done anything really useful with it. I still want to give it a proper go some time in the future. I do like how flexible it can be. Rather simple, but powerful basic concepts.
What's your favorite dialect?
@kat I approve! That's how I learned HTML (version 4 at the time and XHTML shortly after) and making websites, too. Some of them are still made like this to this day. Hand-written HTML. Hardly any <div>
and class nonsense. I can't remember with which editor I started out with, but I upgraded to Webweaver (later renamed to Webcraft) quickly. Yeah, this were the times when there was just a single computer for the whole family.
Free hosting on Arcor, Freenet and I don't know anymore how they were all called. Like this author, I uploaded everything via FTP. Oh dear, when was the last time I used that? And I had registered plenty of free .de.vu
Being on Windows at the time, everything was ISO-8859-1 for me. No UTF-8, I don't think I've heard about it back then.
Later, I wrote my own CMSes in PHP. Man, were they bad in retrospect. :-D Of course, MySQL databases were used as backends. I still exactly know the moment I read the first time about SQL injections. I tried it on my own CMS login and was shocked when I could just break in. The very next thing I did was to lock down everything with an .htaccess until I actually fixed my broken PHP code. Hahaha, good memories.
I swear by Atom or RSS feeds. Many of my sites offer them. I daily consume feeds, they're just great.
@movq I extensively use Cloud tabs under macOS/iOS, and history across both OSs as well. I am finding the it has limited my needing to use search engines greatly.
Granted, I usually keep between 50-60 open tabs, and Safari (both mobile and desktop) does a great job with them (power wise). Now, 500! Ooof! 😅
@movq Yes, exactly that. It's awful! And it's getting worse from my perspective. Nobody in charge is ever gonna learn anything. I figure we just fully deserve this M$ crap, every single bit. :-(
Luckily, the most important development platform still worked for me, so I could actually do something, review code, pull and push, etc. But the calls with the screenshares were nightmares. Can't see shit on such a tiny display with today's extreme monitor sizes people use. Looking at logs, hahahahahahaaa…
@movq Neat, that sounds like a clever design with a table implementation. :-)
Oh, for sure! Complexity will definitely go through the roof and beyond with optimizations, no doubt. Maybe with the very simplest of the easy ones it might be still reasonably straight forward, but I also imagine that this has the potential to escalate very quickly. :-D
Another infrastructure apocalypse day at work. Linux and Windows users were unable to reach M$ services. No Outlook, no Teams, no intranet (Sharepoint), no Azure, etc. Mac users were lucky, though. Took whoever the whole day to resolve that. Shortly before I called it quits, it worked again. I haven't read any e-mail today, used Teams mostly on the company phone, but it's the plague.
And as I've forseen the other day, we have to deliver yet another workaround hotfix, once the other team eventually gets their stuff integrated that we should rely on. Good riddance it's the weekend now!
@movq Oh, this is really awesome! :-) Hats off to you, that would take me forever to accomplish.
Haha, eleven bytes, how mean is that!? :-D But I already see you working on that as well at some point in the near future. :-)
@prologic Totally fine with me, I don't use it. I just have to when hacking on yarnd, because it phones this service.
En HackerNews encontré que alguien anda haciendo un side-project para recomendaciones de RSS/Feeds. Una mezcla entre los algoritmos de las redes que nos sugieren contenido interminable, y los Feeds que son más difíciles de descubrir orgánicamente.
Algunos puntos me suenan interesantes como diseñador, habría que validar qué tal funcionan. ⌘ Read more
#genuary #genuary2025 #genuary17 Maybe related to today prompt: What happens if pi=4? https://youtu.be/tGfUaZ8hTzg
@doesnm Hmmm yhe flow doesn't look right to me hmm 🤔
Sounds about as complex as adding @nick@domain
support by doing a webfinger lookup to get the URL.
Cleaning up some of the 500 open tabs on my phone. I realized that if I don’t have some place to stash the good ones, I won’t go through any. http://a.9srv.net/b/2025-01-16
#tech La paridad de poder adquisitivo en las plataformas digitales de contenidos de pago | www.microsiervos.com ⌘ Read more
Would anyone object to the feeds.twtxt.net service having auth soon™ ? 🤔 I'm tired of the garbage feeds that it has accumulated over tie (spammers) and I want to a) clean it up b) lock it down somewhat.
The idea would be that you'd login with your Yarn.social account on some pod you control/operate or share with a nice person 🤣 -- For those unfamiliar, this is called IndieAuth or IndieLogin. ALL Yarn.social pods are in fact valid (have been for years now) IndieAuth Providers. So I can just ust that. This also technically means you could login with your own domain too (more on that later...)
@hacker-news-newest TL;DR:
The author recounts their experience with a “no calls” policy in enterprise sales, finding it surprisingly effective. They attribute this success to addressing common reasons for calls—lack of understanding, onboarding issues, pricing uncertainty, and trust concerns—through clear messaging, self-serve onboarding, transparent pricing, and robust security documentation. While acknowledging potential limitations, the author advocates for a #nocalls approach, emphasizing the benefits of efficiency and alignment with their values.
@lyse Who does right 🤣 I wonder if anyone read the ToC(s) of any Yarn pod? 🤔
@news-minimalist Ahh now I like to read news like this in my feed. THis is perfect! 🤩 Thank you @bender and so far this is such a nice quite way to be "informed" without the noise and sensational crappy clickbait shit™
@kat Have fun. 🐧🚗 I played that a lot out of boredom during the peak of the pandemic. 😅
@kat Well, consider me jealous. 😅
So, is that a standard lubuntu or a special version for that laptop? Any driver issues so far?
The most valuable resource is Table B-13 at the end of Volume 2D of the Intel docs. It’s a very long but easy to understand table of instruction encodings – assuming you already know how that ModR/M stuff works.
@kat AKB48 and other spinoffs sound so great. I'm listening and whistling to them for hours now. I have no clue what the lyrics are about, but it's just fantastic music. Thanks for introducing me to them. <3
@lyse Yeah, what else does one need? 😅
I added more instructions, made it portable (so it runs on my own OS as well as Linux/DOS/whatever), and the assembler is now good enough to be used in the build process to compile the bootloader:
That is pretty cool. 😎
It’s still a “naive” assembler. There are zero optimizations and it can’t do macros (so I had to resort to using cpp
). Since nothing is optimized, it uses longer opcodes than NASM and that makes the bootloader 11 bytes too large. 🥴 I avoided that for now by removing some cosmetic output from the bootloader.
@kat Wrrrrrmmmmm, wrrrrmmm, have fun! I think I played that about 15 years ago last time or so. I never was much of a gamer, always loved to code useless stuff instead. :-D
@https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/twtxt.txt my back hurts just from reading you put together a shelf last night! :-D
@kat I also happen to use it to run https://mbox.blue as well as to front SSh access to https://git.mills.io 👌
@arne To be honest I don't really understand why anyone would use Facebook™, X/Twitter™, TikTok™ Instagram™, etc... When it clearly states in their Terms of Conditions that the content you "enter" into their systems, is NOT yours.
I forget where I found this, but it's really beautiful, for the right kind of nerd (hi, it's me!) — Docubyte's Guide To Computing. https://www.docubyte.com/projects/guide-to-computing/
Playbook de validación de micro-SaaS Indie | x.com ⌘ Read more
@kat That was https://git.mills.io/prologic/sshbox
I'm refactoring (mangling four lines of of code with assignments into one function call) and man, do I love vim macros! <3 Such a bloody amazing invention. Saves me heaps of manual labor.
Specifically those around 2:50min, 6:15min, 11:00min, 28:40min and 33:40min. :-)
@kat Cool, cool, congrats! I skipped around and noticed that you used some great background music. Do you have a list for me to look up? :-) Also, that's a nice desktop wallpaper in the end.
@movq Woohoo! You selected a turing complete instruction set, so all good. ;-)
@suitechic It's the exact opposite for me. :-)
@bender I always schedule the next appointment right away. :-) Yeah, over here, it's just winter. Nothing really surprising. But it gets us every time. I prefer the ice over the the fire for sure.
@movq That was the only time I left the house today.
@lyse I read it in the news, lots of ice in your area. 🫤 (There’s nothing going on over here.)
Alright, I have a little 8086 assembler for my toy OS going now – or rather a proof-of-concept thereof. It only supports a tiny fraction of the instruction set. It was an interesting learning experience, but I don’t think trying to “complete” this program is worth my time.
The whole thing is just a learning project, I don’t want to actually make a usable OS. There are a few more things I want to have a look at and then I’ll eventually move on to 386/amd64 later this year (hopefully).
@lyse you just reminded me I need to schedule a visit to the Tooth Fairy. 😅
About the weather, ugh! Crazy the world we live in. Our west coast is engulfed on fires, and the other side of the world is pretty much freezing. You can't make this up!